exportdefault{name:'vouchersDetail',data() {return{form: {regionName:'',regionCode:'',// 动态添加的对象数组azList: [ {azName:'',logicCode:'',physicCode:''} ] } } },computed: {// 至少保留一个动态表单的开关isShowCloseBtn() {returnthis.form['azList'].length>1} },methods: {add...
<el-input placeholder="请输入唯一ID" v-model="item.physicCode" :maxlength="30"></el-input> </el-form-item> </div> 那么对应的 js 代码为 代码语言:txt 复制 export default { name: 'vouchersDetail', data() { return { form: { regionName: '', regionCode: '', // 动态添加的对象数...
如果使用考试券付费, 请在 “Voucher Number” 一栏输入考试券号码, “Apply voucher” 如果使用优惠代码获得考试价格优惠, 点击 ; 请在”Promotion Code”一栏输入相应的号码,点击“Apply Promo Code”。屏幕将刷新,全部考试信息都会更新如图 2-4 所示。(如果考试券号码或优惠代码有问题,将出现一个警示框)。在...
export default { name: 'vouchersDetail', data() { return { form: { regionName: '', regionCode: '', // 动态添加的对象数组 azList: [ { azName: '', logicCode: '', physicCode: '' } ] } } }, computed: { // 至少保留一个动态表单的开关 isShowCloseBtn() { return this.form[...
Please provide details of the exam name, voucher code, and expiry date (if applicable). Please note that rescheduling and cancellations are managed through your Pearson VUE account (select Login). TOGAF® and ArchiMate® are registered trademarks and DPBoK™, IT4IT™, Open Agile ...
<el-input placeholder="请输⼊唯⼀ID" v-model="item.physicCode" :maxlength="30"></el-input> </el-form-item> </div> 那么对应的 js 代码为 export default { name: 'vouchersDetail',data() { return { form: { regionName: '',regionCode: '',// 动态添加的对象数组 azList: [{ az...
Related links Check Point Website Purchase test vouchers OnVUE exam information Authenticate your score report What to expect in a Pearson VUE test center Contact us Office hours Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. CT; closed on local holidays. ...
通过Pearson VUE网站注册报名考试指导_Pearson VUE网站注册和预约考试 操作指南 Pearson VUE公司为考生提供三种便利的考试注册途径:∙使用Pearson VUE的在线服务,通过网站预约和注册考试--请参看随后的流程介绍 ∙通过客服中心预约和注册考试--Pearson VUE根据考生所在地区提供不同的客服电话。 中国大陆 400...
`sync_status` varchar(10) DEFAULT 'F' COMMENT '同步状态(S: SUCCESS, F: FAILED)', `re_sync_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '流水同步失败次数', `mq_body` text NOT NULL COMMENT '发送的消息体', `created_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `last_modified_...
(s)”); users of our products and services; individuals purchasing study aides, books, e-books, tests, practice tests, vouchers and our other products and services available on Pearson VUE’s Site; and Personal Data (as defined below) that we may receive from test sponsor’s or collect ...