通过访问官方文档,你可以获得更详细和全面的信息,以及查看更多的示例和教程,以帮助你更好地理解和使用 vue-virtual-scroller。
Learn all about the quality, security, and current maintenance status of vue-virtual-scroller using Cloudsmith Navigator
1. Import and register the Virtual Scroller Component. // global import VueVirtualScroller from 'vue-virtual-scroller' app.use(VueVirtualScroller) // specific components import { RecycleScroller } from 'vue-virtual-scroller' app.component('RecycleScroller', RecycleScroller) 2. Use theRecycleScroller...
import 'vue-virtual-scroller/dist/vue-virtual-scroller.css' Browser If Vue is detected, the plugin will be installed automatically. If not, install the component:Vue.use(VueVirtualScroller) Or register it with a custom name:Vue.component('RecycleScroller', VueVirtual...
⚡️ Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data. Contribute to Akryum/vue-virtual-scroller development by creating an account on GitHub.
vue-virtual-scroller vue-virtual-scroller https://github.com/Akryum/vue-virtual-scroller 下载后运⾏⾥⾯的docs-src⽂件就可以。然后我⽤的是。<recycle-list ref="scroller"class="scroller":items="items":item-height="50"> <template slot-scope="list"> <item :item="list.item" :index="...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vue-virtual-scroller. Smooth scrolling for any amount of data
Smooth scrolling for any amount of data. Latest version: 1.1.2, last published: 2 years ago. Start using vue-virtual-scroller in your project by running `npm i vue-virtual-scroller`. There are 314 other projects in the npm registry using vue-virtual-scro
vuescroll 官方文档 vuevirtualscrollerlist官方文档,目录一、介绍1.1Vuex是什么?1.1.1什么是“状态管理模式”?1.2安装1.3开始1.3.1最简单的Store二、核心概念2.1State2.1.1单一状态树2.1.2在Vue组件中获得Vuex状态--根组件注入store,子组件中可通过this.$store访问2.1.
Vue 展示巨量数据,vue-virtual-scroller 使用说明 vue3 vue2 一、遇到的问题 最近在做的一个小工具中需要解决一个展示巨量数据列表的问题,数据有 8万 多条。 刚开始我是直接让它渲染的,结果用了 60 秒之多,我以为是数据处理耗时多,经过排查,发现是 dom 渲染用时长,数据处理其实只用了不...