Visit Site What Open Source license should you use? – podcast #786➡️ Listen to episode Related Projects #Webapps Created with Sketch.11 VueFrontOpen-source PWA & SPA Frontend for CMS #Webapps#Frameworks#PWA... Created with Sketch.9.893 ...
VIDEO EDITOR A clip editor made with Tauri. ![image] 🔨 Built With Tauri Vue 3 Vite Tailwind 🚀 Features Lightweight clip editing Adding various objects and effects on top of clips and videos Exporting clips and converting them into popular formats Install the dependencies yarn Start the app...
APK名 アプリの説明 Clipvue Video Maker is a powerful video editing tool that helps you make stylish video and unique vlog. With minimum operations, an awesome video combined with magic effects, fantastic filters, popular themes, special doodle, hot...
Visit Site See what's slow, faster: Monitor the performance of your Vue apps!➡️ Try Sentry for Vue Related Projects #Admin tool#Webapps Created with Sketch.907 SwiftDeskCustomer Support & Help Desk App #Webapps#SaaS#Websites... ...
真的不用编辑视频,只需要选择视频和照片就可以做一个不错的vlog,是我们这些不懂做视频小白用户的福音,太爱了! 男男女女男男女女男男女女经济和股市就是不是住宿舍 , 03/10/2021 很好用的软件 视频剪辑的功能非常强大且又全面,随心所欲的想怎么做就怎么做。从中学到了许多新东西 Jane love Rene , 27/...
1、使用Vue处理MP4视频文件有以下几个步骤:1、引入视频文件;2、使用HTML5的video标签;3、通过Vue数据绑定和事件处理控制视频播放。 一、引入视频文件 首先,需要将MP4视频文件引入到Vue项目中。可以将视频文件放置在项目的assets文件夹中,然后在组件中通过import语句引
const videoBlob = new Blob([data.buffer], { type: 'video/mp4' }); this.croppedVideoSrc = URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob); } } }; </script> 三、通过Vue的组件化结构和数据绑定,提升用户交互体验 Vue的组件化结构和数据绑定特性可以帮助我们将视频编辑功能进行模块化,提升代码的可维护性和用户的交互...
type:"video/mp4", // mp4 src:"", // webm // src: "" }], poster:"", ...
JSON Editor - A schema-aware JSON editor built with Vue2 and firebase. Develteam - A social network for indie game developers. Mixsii - A free video chat room site for teens, adults, family, and friends. PipQuest - A retro-style puzzle game built in Vue Matryx - A decentralized collab...
在vue工程目录下创建quill文件夹及文件:src\quill\video.js import { Quill } from 'vue-quill-editor' // 源码中是import直接倒入,这里要用Quill.import引入 const BlockEmbed = Quill.import('blots/block/embed') const Link = Quill.import('formats/link') ...