radial-color-picker - Minimalistic color picker with a focus on size, accessibility and performance. vue-color-input –Vue 3 color picker component whose goal is to replace vuetify-color-field - Vuetify Color Field is a Vuetify VTextField Color Picker Component Switch Switch / on/off toggle...
<template>First nameLast nameFull name:{{fullName}}Reset</template>import{ref,computed}from'vue'constfirstName=ref('')constlastName=ref('')constfullName=computed(()=>{returnfirstName.value+" "+lastName.value;})functionhandleReset(){firstName.value=""lastName.value=""}main{background...
And it becomes worse, if the font-size increases. I also readthis question, but it did not help me. I also tried to set "height" prop forv-text-fieldand some classes likev-text-field__slotbut they did not work for me. The problem is, that after render theinputget thiscssst...
Vue 3 is supported fromv2.0.0and beyond (currentmaster). To usevue-screen-sizewith Vue 2, usev1.0.1. Links Demo GitHub npm Install yarn add vue-screen-size Or you can include it through the browser at the bottom of your page: ...
import{ref}from'vue'import{useAVBars}from'vue-audio-visual'constplayer=ref(null)constcanvas=ref(null)constmySource="./symphony.mp3"// composable function useAVBarsuseAVBars(player,canvas,{src:mySource,canvHeight:40,canvWidth:200,barColor:'lime'})<template></template> ⚙️ API There ar...
<VueDragResize :isActive="true":w="200":h="200"v-on:resizing="resize"v-on:dragging="resize"> Hello World! {{ top }} х {{ left }} {{ width }} х {{ height }} </VueDragResize> </template> import VueDragResizefrom'vue-...
如何将表单抽屉改为弹窗,替换 list 和 form 页面的 Drawer 为 Modal 即可,V5.6增加了路由表单和弹窗表单的代码生成。 打不开代码生成工具怎么办?提示 404,请检查 .env.development 中的代理配置 VITE_PROXY 最后一个参数(是否保持Host头),本地服务 应设置为 false,远程服务设置为 true。 软件截图 附...
sizeStep 用于控制组件尺寸的基础步长,尺寸步长结合尺寸变化单位,就可以派生各种尺寸梯度。通过调整步长即可得到不同的布局模式,例如 V5 紧凑模式下的尺寸步长为 2 number 4 sizeUnit 用于控制组件尺寸的变化单位,在 Ant Design 中我们的基础单位为 4 ,便于更加细致地控制尺寸梯度 number 4 wireframe 用于将组件的视...
<el-form v-show="selectItem.key" size="mini" :disabled="disabled"> <!-- TCustom start--> <template v-if="selectItem.type == 'customT'"> <!-- 开关的label --> <el-form-item label="图片样式"> <el-input type="textarea" placeholder="请输入" v-model="selectItem.options.style"...