在vue3.2中不需要申明 emit和props error ‘defineProps’ isnotdefinedno-undef 解决: "env":{"vue/setup-compiler-macros":true}, 错误3 如果有jest,同样需要做相应的配置。 "env":{"jest":true}, 这样,Eslint这块算是完成了,接下来我们添加prettier npmiprettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-pre...
5.0.6 @vue/compiler-core: 3.2.37 @vue/compiler-dom: 3.2.37 @vue/compiler-sfc: 3.2.37 @vue/compiler-ssr: 3.2.37 @vue/component-compiler-utils: 3.3.0 @vue/eslint-config-typescript: ^9.1.0 => 9.1.0 @vue/reactivity: 3.2.37 @vue/reactivity-transform: 3.2.37 @vue/runtime-core...
There's nothing wrong with this. Again, we'll find better ways of doing it but for now, if you really do want to default this is one way to do it. That said, there's nothing stopping you as well from like assigning another reactive value that will then like take the profit if it...
1.定位问题:defineProps 属于 Vue3 的规则校验,需要在 eslint-plugin-vue官方指南中寻找对应配置。 2.解决问题:打开.eslintrc.js文件,在env配置项中添加“'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true” c)使用eslint格式化代码 1.在package.json的scripts属性里配置 格式化 命令 "scripts": { "lint": "eslint --fi...
The idea is to ship the template compiler in a form of a tagged template, let's say tmpl. This tmpl tagged template comes in two forms: real tagged template for runtime compilation and babel-macros for build time compilation (like graphql or css-in-js solutions do). So, it will look...
env: {'vue/setup-compiler-macros':true}, rules: {'vue/multi-word-component-names': ['error', { ignores: ['index'] } ],'vue/no-setup-props-destructure': ['off'],// 支持对 defineProps 解构'vue/no-mutating-props': ['off'] ...
"vue/setup-compiler-macros": true }, "extends": [ "plugin:vue/vue3-essential", "eslint:recommended", "prettier", "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended" ], "parser": "vue-eslint-parser", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": "latest", ...
'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true }, 'extends': [ 'plugin:vue/essential', 'eslint:recommended' ], parserOptions: { parser: '@babel/eslint-parser' }, rules: { 'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off', ...
'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true, }, plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'], extends: [ 'airbnb-base', 'plugin:vue/vue3-recommended', 'plugin:import/recommended', 'plugin:import/typescript', 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended',
env: {...'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true,}复制代码 配置完成后eslint生效,以下原因是没有在每行语句结束处添加; 配置prettier 目的是为了统一代码的格式化方式,若使用的是VScode编辑器,可以直接使用它的插件Prettier - Code formatter,但这种方式依赖于VScode插件机制实现的格式化,但是一旦开发人员编辑器不统一,...