:string[] }constprops =withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {msg:'hello',labels:() =>['one','two'] }) defineExpose() 可以通过 defineExpose 编译器宏来显式指定在<script setup>组件中要暴露出去的属性: Vue2: this.$refs.create.openModal() Vue3: // 组件内部<scriptlang="ts"setup>import{ ...
子组件children.vue首先要引入 <script lang="ts" setup> import { defineProps, defineEmits } from "vue"; const props = defineProps<{ id:string, option:any }>() const emit = defineEmits(["onClick", "TwoClick"]) // 点击事件1 这里触发传值我就不写了 const showAlert1 = (data)=>{ em...
<template> <span :class="$attrs.class"> <Icon :icon="icon" /> </span> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import { Icon } from '/@/components/Icon'; const props = defineProps({ /** * Arrow expand state */ expand: { type: Boolean }, showText: { type: Boolean, default: ...
-- 这是父组件,template 下发了 prop 和 emit --><template><Child:name="name"@change-name="changeName"/></template><scriptsetuplang="ts">import{ref}from'vue'importChildfrom'@cp/Child.vue'constname=ref<string>('Petter')constchangeName=():void=>{name.value='Tom'}</script> 有没有瞬间清...
> <script setup lang="ts"> const props = defineProps(['foo2']) const emits = defineEmits(['test2']) console.log(props); //{foo2: '333'} const attrs = useAttrs() console.log(attrs); // {foo: '222', class: 'child', style: {…}, onTest: f handleTest()} </script>...
第一步,将属性添加到元素中。然后,我们只需要保留函数的内容:所有的样板都可以消失。您可以删除 和 中的函数:setupscriptsetupdefineComponentsetupscript Pony.vue <scriptsetuplang="ts">import{ computed,PropType}from'vue';importImagefrom'./Image.vue';import{PonyModel}from'@/models/PonyModel';components: ...
一、使用与不使用 script setup 的对比 1、不使用 script setup 的繁杂性 我们之前的组件可能是这样的: <template> <div> <Card>{{msg}}</Card> </div> </template> <script lang="ts">import {ref, defineComponent }from"vue"; import Cardfrom"./components/Card.vue"; ...
<script lang="ts"> import NoCont from "../components/NoCont.vue" export default { setup () { let msg={ title:'父组件给子给子组件的数据' } function sonclick(msss:string){ console.log(msss) } return {msg,sonclick} }, components:{ ...
vue3 <script setup> 使用ts时报错 Default export of the module has or is using private name 'PropsTypeA'.ts(4082) 代码如下: vue sfc <script lang="ts" setup> interface PropType { name: string } interface EmitType { clickHandle: () => void } const props = defineProps<PropType>()...
<script setup lang="ts" name="About"> import { useRoute } from 'vue-router' let route = useRoute() </script> <style scoped> .news-list { list-style: none; padding-left: 20px; } .news-list>li { line-height: 30px; }