vue-cli项目里axios请求数据的时候报错TypeError: relativeURL.replace is not a function
然后思考TypeError应该是数据类型错误,我这里获取的是手机号,猜测可能是后台返回的时候变成了Number类型,为了验证就在控制台typeof输出了一下数据类型,发现果然是变成了Number类型,因此只要将数据转成字符串就好了,成功解决问题。 lettel=18358887777;letstrTel=tel.toString();lettransTel=strTel.replace(strTel.substr(...
What is actually happening? A TypeError is thrown: TypeError: t.replace is not a function I need to use a RegExp here because I need to have a single case-sensitive route. Wrong: There is the caseSensitive option for routes. Member Jinjiang commented Jun 1, 2018 Also according to the...
setDate(date,format){ let result={year:0,month:0,day:0};//当然这里可以默认1970-1-1日 if(date){ format.replace(/y+|Y+|M+|d+|D+/g,function(m,a,b,c){//这里只做了年月日 加时分秒也是可以的 date.substring(a).replace(/\d+/,function(d){c=parseInt(d,10)}); if(/y+/i.tes...
vue-cli项目里axios请求数据的时候报错TypeError: relativeURL.replace is not a functionjavascriptvue-cliaxios 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读18k 1 个回答 得票最新 xank 8412827 发布于 2017-12-24 更新于 2017-12-24 应该这样写 this.$http.get('/spreport/queryFlowsize.action').then((res) => { })....
vue i18n _ctx.$t is not a function 一、问题 runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:38 [Vue warn]: Property "$t" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:38 [Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of render function...
As a quick and temporary fix you can download 0.xyarn.lockand install dependencies from there. # root dir of your vuepress project # replace yarn.lock file / create a new one from the above rm -rf node_modules yarn install Edit:@ulivzhas a better solution. See below. ...
[tocc] Vue.js 基本语法 一、Vue基础 Vue官网 英文官网: 中文官网: Vue概述 Vue (读音 /vjuː/,类似于 view) 是一套用于构建用户界面的渐进式框架。与其它大型框架不同的是, Vue 被
// to could be a string where `replace` is a function const replace = (to as RouteLocationOptions).replace === true // 寻找重定向的路由 const shouldRedirect = handleRedirectRecord(targetLocation) if (shouldRedirect) return pushWithRedirect( ...
exportfunctioncreateElement(context:Component,tag:any,data:any,children:any,normalizationType:any,alwaysNormalize:boolean):VNode|Array<VNode>{if(Array.isArray(data)||isPrimitive(data)){normalizationType=children children=data data=undefined}if(isTrue(alwaysNormalize)){normalizationType=ALWAYS_NORMALIZE}return...