Pull requests16 Actions Security Insights New issue Jump to bottom Closed rex-llopened this issueSep 6, 2024· 1 comment· Fixed by#2541 useTemplateRef('*') "*" is defined as ref, but never used. => vue/no-unused-refs#2547 rex-llopened this issueSep 6, 2024· 1 comment· Fixed by...
import { ref } from 'vue' 报红线 ‘ref’ is defined but never used.eslint 慕虎7937911 2020-09-27 21:33:48 源自:3-7 vue3 - ref 的妙用 4796 分享 收起 2回答 张轩 2020-09-28 09:44:20 同学你好 楼下正解 学习英文也挺重要欧 学好了以后这些提示就可以很清楚的看懂啦 加油~ 0 回...
调用gitlab API提示{"error":"ref is missing, ref is empty"},解决办法 2019-12-24 19:40 −## 问题复现 官方给的写法,以创建远程分支举例 ```bash curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${私钥}" ${gitlab地址}/api/v4/projects/${目录名}%2F${仓库名}/repository/branches?br... ...
1. 用vue-cli创建一个vue3项目,里面安装完相关基础依赖(vuex,router)等 2. 将非业务功能(样式,es...
Describe the bug During build I get warning. Everything works, but I would like to get rid of the warning: vite v5.0.12 building SSR bundle for production... "readonly" is imported from external module "vue" but never used in "composable...
vscode解决’scope’ is defined but never used.报错 1、scope这个属性在最新版本vue已经被弃用,升级成slot-scope了,所以属性名应该改为slot-scope。 2、如何不行,那么可以尝试vetur中设置 把vetur的eslint检查关闭 就是把下面的钩去掉 1、打开设置 2、搜索 vetur 3、找到 Vetur ...
使用defineProps进行父子组件传值,报异常:'defineProps' is not defined,没法用,看了很多文章都说配置在vue.config.js中:我的vue-cli版本是5.0.8 ,2022-08月装的。 1 2 3 4 5 6 module.exports = { env: { "node":true, "vue/setup-compiler-macros": true } } 可是我配置进去,报没有 env 的...
isRef:检测一个变量是否是ref响应式,返回true,false。 watchEffect():立即运行一个函数,同时响应式地追踪其依赖,并在依赖更改时重新执行。 unref 这个 api 来获取到响应式变量参数本身。const v = unref(refObj); 参考:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/359763090...
Since v-ref is not a directive anymore, but rather a special attribute, it can be defined dynamically. This is especially useful when used in combination with v-for. For instance: Previously, when v-el/v-ref is combined with v-for, it would produce...
{\n ref: 'inner',\n class: ['carousel-inner'],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId('__BV_inner_'),\n role: 'list'\n }\n },\n [this.normalizeSlot('default')]\n )\n\n // Prev and next controls\n let controls = h()\n if (this.controls) {\n controls = [\n h(\n ...