import { quillEditor } from "vue-quill-editor";import "quill/dist/quill.core.css";import "quill/dist/quill.snow.css";import "quill/dist/quill.bubble.css"; 1. 然后在template中添加富文本组件 <quill-editor class="editor" v-model="content" ref="quillEditor" :options="editorOption" @blur=...
官网: quill官网: 兼容:IE10以上 自定义toolbar和设置blots <template> 2222 <quill-editor ref="quill" v-model="content" :options="editorOption" @change="onEditorChange($event)"> <!-- 自定义按钮 --> 111...
1、cnpm install vue-quill-editor --save 2、cnpm install sass-loader@7.3.1 --save-dev 3、cnpm install --save-dev node-sass 二、官网("")-->Nuxt.js example code("
Vue-Quill-Editor 🍡Quill editor component for Vue2, support SPA and SSR. 基于Quill、适用于Vue2的富文本编辑器,支持服务端渲染和单页应用。 Example Demo Page Update This component is a simple and lightweight editor. It doesn't depend on any other resources except quill core and css. Quill is...
富文本框vue-quill-editor的使用 vue-quill官网: quill官网: 基本用法这里就不介绍了,这里介绍下特殊用法: 怎么添加 自定义blots 和自定义toolbar控件 <template><QuillEditorref="editor"v-model="content":options="editor...
vue-quill-editor Quill editorcomponent forVue(2). DEPRECATED ‼️ Unfortunately, since the Quill project has effectively stopped being maintained,vue-quill-editorwill beDEPRECATEDand will no longer support Vue3; if you’re looking for a rich text editor, I recommend migrating totiptap, which...
Vue-Quill-Editor是一个基于Quill的富文本编辑器:Quill的官网 使用指南 第一步:安装,使用npm命令: npm install vue-quill-editor --save 第二步:加载,在js中引入: 全局引入: importVuefrom'vue' importVueQuillEditorfrom'vue-quill-editor' constoptions= {};/* { default global options } */ ...
@quilljs editor component for @vuejs(2). Contribute to surmon-china/vue-quill-editor development by creating an account on GitHub.
Quill editor component for Vue 2.x with extended features. Latest version: 1.0.6, last published: 5 months ago. Start using vue-quill-editor-plus in your project by running `npm i vue-quill-editor-plus`. There are no other projects in the npm registry us
基于Vue的富文本编辑器 vue-quill-editor 富文本编辑器(Rich Text Editor), 是一种可内嵌于浏览器,所见即所得的文本编辑器;程序员可到网上下载免费的富文本编辑器内嵌于自己的网站或程序里。 富文本编辑器有很多,如:wangEditor、UEditor。但并不原生支持VUE...