FindTypeScript and JavaScript Language Features, right click and selectDisable (Workspace) Reload the VSCode window by runningDeveloper: Reload Windowfrom the command palette. Thanks Readme Keywords
npm install vue-quick-menu --save Usage <quick-menu:menu-count=count :icon-class=icons :menu-url-list=list></quick-menu> importVuefrom'vue'importquickMenufrom'vue-quick-menu'exportdefault{...components:{quickMenu},...} Props PropertyTypeDefaultDescription ...
It's fast! Vutron - Quick start templates for Vite + Electron + Vue 3 + Vuetify + TypeScript. electron-vite-vue - Really simple Electron + Vite + Vue boilerplate. Prerendering vue-genesis - 🔥Micro front end, micro service and lightweight solution based on Vue SSR🔥 ...
<div class="tree-view-item"> <div class="level" :class="'level-'+ menu.level" v-for="menu in menus" :key=""> <div v-if="menu.type === 'link'"> <router-link class="link" v-bind:to="menu.url" @click.nativ...
vue-quick-menu - This is web navigation component base on vue.js2. @hscmap/vue-menu - Menu / Context Menu component for vue2. vue-router-nav - Minimalistic responsive navigation bar that renders routes of vue-router. vue-drawer-layout - A simple DrawerLayout component like Android has for...
Vue Quick Actions is a Vue.js library that provides a fast and easy-to-use action menu component.. Latest version: 1.2.1, last published: a year ago. Start using vue-quick-actions in your project by running `npm i vue-quick-actions`. There are no other p
vue-accordion - Simple accordion nav menu component for Vue.js. vue-js-dropdown - Vue.js 2 dropdown menu component. Light, easy to use and extend, no external deps. vue-slideout - Vue implementation of the popular library slideout vue-quick-menu - This is web navigation component base on...
setup () { // 引入查询管理 const { modelValue, findMeta, findItem, findWhere, quickFindKey, metaToTable, changeQuickFind, findTable, findVisible, moreFindShow } = findManage() // 加载查询用的meta const json = require('./FindDemo.json') // 切换其他查询模块 menu const naviClick = (...
"name": "electron-quick-start", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "A minimal Electron application", "main": "main.js", "scripts": { "start": "electron .", "package": "electron-packager . HelloWorld --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --icon=computer.ico --out=./out --asar --app...
Quick configuration for popup menu item customization. FREE TRIAL VIEW DEMOS No credit card required. SUPPORTED FRAMEWORKS JavaScript Angular React Blazor VueDropdown Menu EXPLORE OTHER CONTROLS VIEW DEMOS BUY NOW Overview The Vue Dropdown Menu is a graphical user interface component that lets users ...