setup配置ref与reactivewatch与watchEffectprovide与inject新的内置组件FramentTeleportSuspense其他改变新的生命周期钩子data 选项用始终被声明为一个函数移除keyCode支持作为v-on的修饰符组合式API和配置项APIvue2:配置项new Vue({ el:'#app', data:{} })vue3:组合式API...
createApp(App)--->是个对象,对象里有东西,没有$store,$refs...,以后有用,都是导入使用# 以后vue3的<template> 不需要写在一个标签了 可以写多个div标签# 以后都写在setup函数中 定义变量 定义函数 一定要return 在templage中才能使用# 但是失去了响应式<template> setup的使用 姓名:{{name}} 年龄:{{...
只在 setup 里面写代码(script setup)是前提条件,尤大体量大家,给大家在 Vue3 里面写 Vue2 开个...
// 使用yarn来创建项目#npm6.x$npminitvite@latest<project-name>--templatevue#npm7+,需要加上额外...
Project Setup / Keeping Up to DateNew to Kendo UI for Vue? Start a free 30-day trial Keeping Up to Date The Kendo UI for Vue Native packages are released frequently with bug fixes and new features.Semantic Versioning The Kendo UI packages for Vue Native are released independently and thei...
IE 11 Support Kendo UI for Vue Native suite provides support for Internet Explorer 11 based on the Vue version used in your project. Vue 3.x uses ES2015 features that cannot be polyfilled in legacy browsers, soif you need to support legacy browsers, you will need to use Vue 2.xinstead...
Vue A11y project - Vue.js community project to improve web accessibility. vue-axe - Accessibility auditing for Vue.js applications. vue-announcer - A simple way with Vue to announce any useful information for screen readers. vue-focus-lock - It is a trap! A lock for a Focus. A11y util...
Vue build standalone?Install vue-router?Yes?Use ESLint to lint your code?Yes?Pick an ESLint preset Standard?Set up unit tests Yes?Pick a test runner jest?Setup e2e testswithNightwatch?No?Should we run`npm install`foryou after the project has been created?(recommended)npm...
Project name :项目名称 ,如果不需要更改直接回车就可以了。注意:这里不能使用大写,所以我把名称改成了vueclitest Project description:项目描述,默认为A Vue.js project,直接回车,不用编写。 Author:作者,如果你有配置git的作者,他会读取。 Install vue-router? 是否安装vue的路由插件,我们这里需要安装,所以选择Y...
🛠️ The recommended way to start a Vite-powered Vue project vuejs/create-vue’s past year of commit activity JavaScript3,98146728(1 issue needs help)9UpdatedMar 13, 2025 eslint-config-prettierPublic `eslint-config-prettier` for `create-vue` setups ...