setup配置ref与reactivewatch与watchEffectprovide与inject新的内置组件FramentTeleportSuspense其他改变新的生命周期钩子data 选项用始终被声明为一个函数移除keyCode支持作为v-on的修饰符组合式API和配置项APIvue2:配置项new Vue({ el:'#app', data:{} })vue3:组合式API...
# npm 6.x$ npm init vite@latest <project-name> --template vue# npm 7+,需要加上额外的双短横线$ npm init vite@latest <project-name> -- --template vue 去把依赖装好 $ cd <project-name> $ cnpm install $ npm run dev ---启动项目 可以去package.json改 三、Setup的使用 Setup中没...
// 使用yarn来创建项目#npm6.x$npminitvite@latest<project-name>--templatevue#npm7+,需要加上额外...
2.键盘输入视窗+R,输入cmd 进入windows命令提示符界面,进入你要创建文件的目录, 输入:vue create vueproject来创建vue项目, 项目名称是vueproject,注意vue项目名称要全部小写。 选择:[Vue3],回车 此时,会创建项目并且安装,这个过程需要些时间去安装很多依赖和包。正常来说是动态的,如果停留的过久,按一下回车等待一...
template>import{ ref }from'vue'consttableData = ref([ {id:10001,name:'Test1',role:'Develop',sex:'Man',address:'Shenzhen'}, {id:10002,name:'Test2',role:'Test',sex:'Man',address:'Guangzhou'}, {id:10003,name:'Test3',role:'PM',sex:'Man',address:'Shanghai'} ]) 在线文档 👉组...
系统是在RuoYi-vue( 的基础上开发的,但是把数据库操作改成mybatis-plus,原先的是mybatis(如果你想完全迁移到RuoYi系统里面,可能还需要一定的工作量)。 交流授权 如果您觉得好用,可以给点个star,或者给个捐赠。
Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch? No###是否安装端对端? Should we run`npm install`foryou after the project has been created?(recommended)npm###是否安装方式选择npm,还有yarm安装vue-cli · Generated"vuecli2-project".# Installing project dependencies ...# ===npm ... ... 省略内容 added1272pack...
Set up unit tests Yes?Pick a test runner jest?Setup e2e testswithNightwatch?No?Should we run`npm install`foryou after the project has been created?(recommended)npm vue-cli · Generated"vuedemo".# Installing project dependencies...#=== Vue 3.x 通过Vue CLI初始化项目...
Vue A11y project - Vue.js community project to improve web accessibility. vue-axe - Accessibility auditing for Vue.js applications. vue-announcer - A simple way with Vue to announce any useful information for screen readers. vue-focus-lock - It is a trap! A lock for a Focus. A11y util...
corecorePublic 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. TypeScript49.4k8.6k docsdocsPublic 📄 Documentation for Vue 3 Vue3k4.6k create-vuecreate-vuePublic 🛠️ The recommended way to start a Vite-powered Vue project ...