注意:这里我们安装的是vue-pdf-embed的1.x版本,因为它是支持Vue 2的。 在Vue2项目中引入vue-pdf-embed组件: 在你的Vue组件中,通过import语句引入vue-pdf-embed。例如: javascript import VuePdfEmbed from 'vue-pdf-embed'; 在Vue模板中使用vue-pdf-embed标签并传入PDF文件的URL: 在你的Vue模板中,使用<...
npm install vue-pdf-embed yarn add vue-pdf-embed <scriptsrc="https://unpkg.com/vue-pdf-embed"></script> Usage <scriptsetup>importVuePdfEmbedfrom'vue-pdf-embed'//optional stylesimport'vue-pdf-embed/dist/styles/annotationLayer.css'import'vue-pdf-embed/dist/styles/textLayer.css'//either URL...
For Vue 2 support, install vue-pdf-embed@1 and refer to the v1 docs. Installation Depending on the environment, the package can be installed in one of the following ways: npm install vue-pdf-embed yarn add vue-pdf-embed <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-pdf-embed"></script> Usage...
This package is only compatible with Vue 3. For Vue 2 support, installvue-pdf-embed@1and refer to thev1 docs. Installation Depending on the environment, the package can be installed in one of the following ways: npm install vue-pdf-embed ...
This package is only compatible with Vue 3. For Vue 2 support, installvue-pdf-embed@1and refer to thev1 docs. Installation Depending on the environment, the package can be installed in one of the following ways: npm install vue-pdf-embed ...
浏览器支持:大多数现代浏览器都支持这种嵌入方式,但某些旧版浏览器可能会有兼容性问题。 安全性:在处理 Base64 数据时,尤其是从外部来源获取的数据,确保它们是安全的,并且不会引发安全问题(如跨站脚本攻击)。 以上方法可以帮助你在 Vue 2 中使用 iframe 或embed 标签来显示 Base64 转化的 PDF 文件。 有用 回复...
This package is only compatible with Vue 3. For Vue 2 support, installvue-pdf-embed@1and refer to thev1 docs. Installation Depending on the environment, the package can be installed in one of the following ways: npm install vue-pdf-embed ...
# 📄 vue-pdf-embed PDF embed component for Vue 2 and Vue 3 [](https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue) [](https://npmjs.com/package...
3. 【Vue】vue2 过渡搭配Velocity.js动画的基本使用(2) 4. 【JavaScript】Event Loop 事件循环(2) 5. 【Vscode】Missing space before function parentheses 报错(2) 最新评论 1. Re:【Vue】vue3 vue-pdf-embed 实现pdf预览、缩放、拖拽、旋转和左侧菜单选择 vue-pdf-embed用的是哪个版本,我用2.1.1的...
This package is only compatible with Vue 3. For Vue 2 support, installvue-pdf-embed@1and refer to thev1 docs. Installation Depending on the environment, the package can be installed in one of the following ways: npm install vue-pdf-embed ...