活跃的论坛和讨论区:如Stack Overflow、Reddit等平台上,React的相关讨论非常活跃,开发者可以快速获得帮助和解答。 持续的技术更新:React社区不断贡献新的库和工具,推动技术的更新和进步,这使得React始终处于前端技术的前沿。 总结 综上所述,React比Vue更适合大项目的原因在于其组件复用性强、生态系统丰富、更灵活的状态...
React:React拥有更大的社区和更多的资源支持。你可以在Stack Overflow、GitHub、Reddit等平台找到大量的讨论和解决方案。React的庞大社区使得你在遇到问题时更容易找到解决方案。 总结和建议 总结主要观点: 项目规模和复杂性:Vue适合小型和中型项目,React更适合大型项目。 团队的技术背景:Vue更易上手,适合有JavaScript基础...
React 还被 Airbnb,Uber,Netflix,Twitter,Pinterest,Reddit,Udemy,Wix,Paypal,Imgur,Feedly,Stripe,Tumblr,Walmart 等使用(根据Facebook,stackshare和libscore.com提供的数据)。 Facebook 正在开发React Fiber。它会改变 React 的底层 - 渲染速度应该会更快 - 但是在变化之后,版本会向后兼容。Facebook 将会在 2017 ...
Where to find help: Vue forum, Discord (perhaps the most active community at the moment), and Reddit. Winner: React has a larger community and Facebook’s backing. By choosing React you are guaranteed to find experienced developers to support your project. Round 2: Talent Availability With ...
正如Facebook 在其设计原则中所述,React API 非常稳定。 还有一些脚本可以帮助您从当前的 API 转移到更新的 API :react-codemod。迁移非常简单,并且不需要作为长期支持版本。 在这篇 Reddit 文章中,人们注意到升级并不是个问题。 React 团队撰写了一篇关于他们的版本控制计划的博客文章。当他们发布弃用警告时,他们会...
Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of a pivotal decision in frontend development: React or Vue? In this guide, we’ll dissect the merits and features of both frameworks, aiding you in making an informed choice tailored to your project’s ne
Reddit Top Global businesses that use VueJS Behance Dribbble Adobe Nintendo Zoom Louis Vuitton Google Careers React JS vs Vue JS: Which Framework is better? Well, the debate comes to an end. But to tell you the fact, it would be back-breaking to find a suitable answer. Both have their ...
总结而言,服务端渲染与客户端渲染是相辅相成的,在React等框架的协助下我们也可以很方便地为开发阶段的纯客户端渲染应用添加服务端渲染支持。 项目中的全栈工程师:技术全栈,需求隔离,合理分配 full-stack-between-reality-and-wishful-thinking 为什么你需要成为一个全栈开发工程师?
Further, the Vue subreddit has 90,000 members, while the React subreddit has 331,000 members. Libraries Vue has fewer third-party libraries than some other popular frameworks, meaning there might not be an existing solution for your particular use case within Vue. An NPM search yields roughly...
React is also used by Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Udemy, Wix, Paypal, Imgur, Feedly, Stripe, Tumblr, Walmart and others (according to [Facebook](https://github.com/facebook/react/wiki/Sites-Using-React), [stackshare](https://stackshare.io/react) and [libscore....