当你看到提示 "need to install the following packages: create-vue@3.12.2 ok to proceed? (y)" 时,这表示你的系统正准备安装 create-vue 包的3.12.2 版本。为了帮助你顺利完成安装,我将按步骤指导你进行操作: 确认安装: 首先,请确认你是否确实需要安装 create-vue@3.12.2 包。这个包是一个用于快速创建...
Need to install the following packages: create-vite@3.1.0 Ok to proceed? (y) y √ Select a framework: » Vue --会出现多种选择,选择自己要用的即可 √ Select a variant: » TypeScript Scaffolding project in D:\vue3\练习\wsn.test... Done. Now run: cd wsn.test--按照这三步走,流程...
$ npm init vue@latest Need to install the following packages: create-vue@3.6.1 Ok to proceed? (y) y Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework # 这里需要进行一些配置,项目名输入 runoob-vue3-test,其他默认回车即可 -> Project name: … runoob-vue3-test -> Add TypeScript? … No / ...
npm install初始化项目,添加默认的依赖 npm run serve运行服务,启动项目 npminit vite-app nothing // 控制台输出 Need toinstallthe following packages: create-vite-app Ok to proceed?(y)ynpmWARN deprecated create-vite-app@1.21.0: create-vite-app has been deprecated. run`npminit @vitejs/app`or`ya...
Need to install the following packages: create-vite@4.4.1 Ok to proceed? (y) y √ Project name: ... vite-project √ Select a framework: » Vue √ Select a variant: » TypeScript Scaffolding project in F:\v3\vite-project... ...
The version for Vue I18n v8.x is now in@intlify/rollup-plugin-vue-i18nrepo! ❗Requirement You need to install the follwoing: rollup-plugin-vue@6.0.0 If you use rollup-plugin-vue, We recommend you should read thedocs 🌟Features ...
To use this build, change your import statement to: import { createI18n } from "vue-i18n-bridge/dist/vue-i18n-bridge.esm-bundler.js"; ⚠️ NOTE: If you use vue-i18n-bridge.runtime.esm-bundler.js, you will need to precompile all locale messages, and you can do that with .json ...
If set to false you need to take care of appending a new tag to the provided :options list upon @tag event. createTag {boolean} false Deprecated 2.3.0: use createOption instead.Whether it should allow creating new tags based on search query when using tags mode. addTagOn {array} ['...
You can create a Rsbuild project with the following command: npm create rsbuild@latest Please visit theRsbuild repositoryfor more information. Quickstart import{createApp}from'vue';// 1. Import the components you needimport{Button}from'vant';// 2. Import the components styleimport'vant/lib/in...
使用vite新建 不基于webpack,速度更快,体积更小,仅支持vue3.x,不支持2.x,并且目前还不是很稳定,正在完善中,建议将来使用。 npm init vite-app 文件名 如果报错: Need to install the following packages: create-vite-app Ok to proceed? (y)