Missing class properties transform: 1. npmibabel-plugin-transform-class-properties--save-dev2..babe.rc中添加插件 "plugins":["transform-class-properties"] sass 与 js 共享变量 详见https://www.bluematador.com/blog/how-to-share-variables-between-js-and-sass // styles/animation.scss$animation-leng...
Just create a new project with Vue CLI and you get a 35:1 Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression. Type '<VC extends VueClass<Vue>>(target: VC) => VC' is missing the following properties from type 'typ...
#6170 fix: add missing jest-transform-stub media types (#6169) (@raineorshine) @vue/cli #6011 fix(generator): avoid doing redundant write operations (@fangbinwei) :memo: Documentation #6176 Fixed some typos on deployment.md (@black-fyre) #5927 Update skip plugins section of cli-service ...
0;for(var s,c,l=a.getContext("2d",{alpha:!1}),h=0;h0&&(f.scale=f.canvasWidth/m,A="scaleX("+f.scale+")"),0!==f.angle&&(A="rotate("+f.angle+"deg) "+A),""!==A&&(f.originalTransform=A,o.setProp("transform",u,A)),t._textDivProperties.set(u,f)}}t._renderingDon...
同步操作将从 gyy/vue-bmap-gl 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!! 确定后同步将在后台操作,完成时将刷新页面,请耐心等待。 删除在远程仓库中不存在的分支和标签 同步Wiki (当前仓库的 wiki 将会被覆盖!) 取消 确定 代码 Issues 0 Pull Requests 0 Wiki ...
🐞 Fix ConfigProvider transformCellText missing issue #3206 🐞 Fix the style disorder problem when Dropdown Button is mixed together #3244 🐞 Fix RangePicker custom width invalidation issue #3244 🐞 Fix multiple errors or missing Ts types 2.0.0-rc.1 2020-11-14 🎉🎉🎉 🌟 Menu ...
140"class="stock">{{item.stock}} 15售罄 16 17+ 18 del 19 20 21`; 22 23// 配置对象 24const config = { 25template, 26el:"#app", 27data: { 28title:"商品和库存", 29products: [ 30{name:"HuaWei", stock: 10}, 31{name:"MI", stock: 8}, 32{name:"iPhone...
runtime-dom: 针对浏览器的运行时。包括对原生DOM API、属性(attributes)、特性(properties)、事件回调的处理。 runtime-test: 用于测试的轻量级运行时。可以在任何JavaScript环境使用,因为它最终只会呈现JavaScript对象形式的渲染树,其可以用来断言正确的渲染输出。另外还提供用于序列化树、触发事件和记录更新期间执行的实...
t=this.moveClass||(this.name||"v")+"-move";e.length&&this.hasMove(e[0].elm,t)&&(e.forEach(co),e.forEach(uo),e.forEach(lo),this._reflow=document.body.offsetHeight,e.forEach(function(e){if(e.data.moved){var n=e.elm,r=n.style;Ni(n,t),r.transform=r.WebkitTransform=r....
reactivity-transform: should not rewrite for...in / for...of scope variables (7007ffb) sfc-playground: hide title to avoid overlap (#5099) (44b9527) ssr: make computed inactive during ssr, fix memory leak (f4f0966), closes #5208 ssr: remove missing ssr directive transform error...