const LazyComponent = () => import('@/components/LazyComponent.vue'); // 在路由配置中使用懒加载组件 const routes = [ { path: '/lazy', name: 'Lazy', component: LazyComponent } ]; 二、结合 Vue Router 的 component 属性 Vue Router 是 Vue.js 的官方路由管理器,支持懒加载功能。通过将路由...
importLoadingfrom'./components/Loading.vue';import{ lazyLoadComponentIfVisible }from'./utils';constLazyLoaded=lazyLoadComponentIfVisible({componentLoader:() =>import('./components/HelloWorld.vue'),loadingComponent:Loading, }); <template><LazyLoaded/></template> 总结 在本文中,我们学习了如何使用 Interse...
</lazy-loading> </template> import LazyLoading from "./LazyLoading.vue"; export default { name: "HomeList", components: { LazyLoading, }, data() { return { listBody: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}], pages: 1, // 数据总页数 current: 1, // 当前页数 onOff: ...
背景 图片懒加载(Lazy Loading)是一种优化网页性能的技术,它可以延迟网页中的图像加载时间,直到用户需要查看它们时才加载。这样可以减少页面加载时间,提高用户体验。 这是一个项目中实用的优化性能的功能,在很多前端组件库中,封装的图片组件都能看到有这一项功能 那
importVuefrom'vue';importLazyLoadfrom'@/components/lazy-load';Vue.use(LazyLoad,{preload:1.3,// 加载区域相对于可视区域的比例,即加载区域 = 容器高度(可视区域) * preloaderror:require('@/assets/imgs/error.png'),// 图片加载失败时显示loading:require('@/assets/imgs/loading.png')// 图片加载过程...
Laravel Mix Version: 4.0.15 Node Version: 11.13.0 NPM Version: 6.7.0 OS: Ubuntu 16.10 Description: When using Vue async components, and building my application in development mode (run dev or run watch) I receive the following error. But...
I'm using the component: (resolve) => require(['compPath.vue'], resolve) syntax to load several components from my application. Even though components are declared separately (code below), when I inspect the requested loaded file, it's a...
When you have many elements to lazy load in the same page, you might get poor performance because each one is listening to the scroll/resize events. In that case, it's better to wrap the deepest common parent of those components with a HOC to track those events (trackWindowScroll). For...
import('./components/MyComponent.vue') ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 路由懒加载 Vue 3.5 还支持路由的懒加载,即在用户访问某个路由时才加载对应的组件。通过在路由配置中使用component属性的懒加载语法,开发者可以将路由组件的加载延迟到用户访问该路由时。
Copy Here’s a breakdown of what we’ve changed: 1- We have removed the static imports for thehomeandaboutcomponents. 2- We have created theloadviewfunction, which uses theimportfunction to dynamically import a Vue component. 3- In theimportfunction, we have used/* webpackChunkName: "view...