laravel10 + vue3 + element-ui的后台极速开发框架,采用前后端分离架构,安全性 (JWT 校验、中间件、验证器、路由、异常处理、权限控制)环境要求 PHP8.2 + mysql 创建MYSQL数据库,导入/resource/数据库.v10.sql修改 .env 配置 APP_URL、DB_开头的配置设置 public 目录作为 web目录访问内容配置伪静态 location...
/frontend (前端目录) /resource (资源目录,包含数据库以及安装说明以及相关截图) 快速安装: 创建MYSQL数据库,导入/resource/数据库.v10.sql 修改.env 配置 APP_URL、DB_开头的配置 设置public 目录作为 web目录访问内容 配置伪静态 location / { try_files uri uriuri/ /index.phpis a rgs isargsquery_strin...
废话不多说,直接代码下载: (购买的用户,有任何问题,可以哔哩哔哩或抖音留言,不定期回复,感谢大家的支持)
原文:代码: 或说明:作者:刘宏缔 邮箱: 四,测试效果: 五,查看laravel框架的版本: liuhongdi@lhdpc:/data/laravel/...
① 新建文件Helpers/functions.php② 编辑composer.json在 autoload 名称中,新增 files例如: {代码...} ③composer的自动加载类命令——composer dump-autoloadv...
For inspiration, you can refer to the collection of Laravel Vue Sample Project. Now, let’s check the best Laravel Vue admin template. Sneat Free VueJS Laravel Admin Template (Latest Free Laravel 10 Vue 3 Admin Template💥) Sneat Free Vuetify Vuejs 3 Laravel 10 Admin Template is a ...
Vue 3 in Laravel 10 Minimal Vue 3 application with router, i18n, pinia store. Install package composer create-project laravel/laravel:^10.0 vue-app cd vue-app composer require atomjoy/vue Overwrite files Backup first routes and resources directory! php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vue-config -...
yixianliu3 声望
COREUI LARAVEL VUE ADMIN TEMPLATE(FREE) CoreUIis meant to be the UX game changer. Besides, Pure & transparent code is devoid of redundant components, so the app is light enough to offer the ultimate user experience. This means mobile devices also, where the navigation is just as easy and...