This is error isn't so obvious when you try to initialize a project withvue create .in the current directory which has uppercase letters in its name. In this case, it just saysInvalid project name: ".". What is expected? vue-cli should allow me to create projects that have uppercase ...
用vue创建项目时 Invalid project name: "exerciseTowVue" Warning: name can no longer contain capital letters 项目名称无效:"exerciseTowVue" 警告:名称不能再包含大写字母 解决方法: 名称可以用下划线连接 如 vue create create _frist_vue 运行项目时 error Command "server" not found. Did you mean "serve...
1);}function da(e){if(null===e)return"null";if("function"==typeof e)return||"";if("object"==typeof e){return e.constructor&&||"";}return"";}function pa(e,t){return da(e)===da...
}) plugins = builtInPlugins.concat(projectPlugins) }// 加载本地插件// 本地插件应该指的是放在项目根目录下由用户自定义的插件if(this.pkg.vuePlugins&&this.pkg.vuePlugins.service) {constfiles =this.pkg.vuePlugins.serviceif(!Array.isArray(files)) {thrownewError(`Invalid type for option 'vuePlug...
1.快速生成一个基于Webpack构建的项目:vue init webpack my-project 2.支持的命令:vue init <template-name><project-name>;vue list; 十六、测试开发与调试 1.ESLint 2.工具包:eslint-loader、eslint-friendly-formatter、eslint-config-standard、eslint-plugin-html ...
show full project name in error message for vue create . (5e261be) cli: make sortObject consistent even when keyOrder is given (#2326) (1a83944) cli-plugin-e2e-cypress Bug Fixes add webpack-preprocessor, fixes babel 7 compatibility issues (bd32daa), closes #2538 #2465 cli-plugin-typ...
vue init webpack prjectName 与 vue create projectName 有什么区别呢? 它们是 Vue-cli 2 和 Vue-cli3 创建项目的两个命令,之所以两个命令不同,根本原因是 Vue-cli2 是基于webpack 3,而 vue-cli3 是基于 webpack 4 的。 所以我们先介绍 webpack 是如何管理项目的,如何把项目中 js、css、html等是如何...
('roleid',; const accessToken = 'admin'; // const accessToken = data[tokenName]; // const { data } = await getUserInfo(state.accessToken); // if (!data) { // ElMessage.error('验证失败,请重新登录...'); // return false; // } // 模拟用户信息 let data ...
vue 项目报错:Error in nextTick: "InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': ',' is not a valid attribute name." 2020-07-20 09:03 −... __笑熬浆糊 1 11989 [ERROR ]Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin:1.1.0:flatten (flatten) on ...
create-vite-app projectName 3、进入项目文件夹 cd projectName 4、安装依赖 npm install 5、启动vue3.0项目 npm run dev 升级Vue-cli npm update -g @vue/cli #ORyarnglobalupgrade --latest @vue/cli 如果已经全局安装了旧版本的vue-cli(1.x或者2.x), 你需要先通过 ...