Localize user interface strings of the Vue Image Editor component by using the localization (l10n) library. Touch-friendly editing For a seamless experience on all devices, the Vue Image Editor includes a responsive mode that adapts the UI for mobile devices and offers a great user experience on...
document.getElementsByClassName("tui-image-editor-button line")[0].style.display = "none"; // 隐藏直线 document.getElementsByClassName("tie-draw-color tui-image-editor-button")[0].style.display = "none"; // 隐藏颜色 document.getElementsByClassName("tui-image-editor-partition")[0].style.display...
document.getElementsByClassName("tui-image-editor-main")[0].style.top ="45px";//调整图片显示位置document.getElementsByClassName("tie-btn-reset tui-image-editor-item help") [0].style.display = "none";//隐藏顶部重置按钮},//保存图片,并上传save() { const base64String=this.instance.toDataURL()...
// 使用编辑组件 this.instance = new ImageEditor( document.querySelector('#tui-image-editor'), { includeUI: { // 表示使用它内置的 UI 控件 loadImage: { path: url,// 照片路径 name: this.imageName //图片名称 }, // 默认加载的图片 initMenu: 'draw', // 表示编辑器加载后,第一个被选中...
vue使用图像编辑器tui-image-editor 前言 效果展示 涂鸦 裁剪 标注 旋转 滤镜 一、安装 二、使用 1.快速体验 2.国际化 3.自定义样式 4.按钮优化 5.完整代码 总结 前言 最近有一个新的需求。教师在上传图片时可以对图片进行旋转、缩放、裁剪、涂鸦、标注、添加文本等。于是发现了tui-image-editor这款插件。 我...
npm i tui-image-editor// oryarnaddtui-image-editor AI代码助手复制代码 使用 快速体验 复制以下代码,将插件引入到自己的项目中。 <template></template>import"tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css";import"tui-color-picker/dist/tui-color-picker.css";importImageEditorfrom"tui-image-editor";expor...
npm install vue - quill - editornpm install quill - image - resize -modulenpm install quill - image - drop -module 3. 在main.js里面引入使用 js importVueQuillEditorfrom'vue-quill-editor';import'quill/dist/quill.core.css'import'quill/dist/quill.snow.css'import'quill/dist/quill.bubble.css'...
toastui-vue-image-editor.js has all of the tui.ImageEditor. If you only need vue wrapper component, you can use @toast-ui/vue-image-editor/src/ImageEditor.vue like this: import ImageEditor from '@toast-ui/vue-image-editor/src/ImageEditor.vue'Implement...
const ImageEditor = require("tui-image-editor"); const locale_zh = { // override default English locale to your custom Crop: "裁剪", DeleteAll: "全部删除", Delete: "删除", Undo: "撤销", Redo: "反撤销", Reset: "重置", Flip: "镜像", ...
npm install --save @toast-ui/vue-image-editor If you install other packages, you may lose dependency on fabric. You need toreinstall the fabric. ``` npm install --no-save --no-optional fabric@~4.2.0 ``` 🔡Usage Load Using namespace ...