<!DOCTYPEhtml> hybird-host
this.$modal.loading("正在保存到本地,请稍候..."); this.$cache.local.set( "layout-setting", `{ "topNav":${this.topNav}, "tagsView":${this.tagsView}, "fixedHeader":${this.fixedHeader}, "sidebarLogo":${this.sidebarLogo}, "dynamicTitle":${this.dynamicTitle}, "sideTheme":"${this...
1、准备一张icon.png图片保存在public目录下 2.安装electron-icon-builder npm i electron-icon-builder --D 3、在package.json的scripts文件中添加一条命令并保存: "electron:generate-icons": "electron-icon-builder --input=./public/icon.png --output=dist_electron --flatten" 3、执行以下命令 npm run ...
.env# 在所有的环境中被载入.env.local# 在所有的环境中被载入,但会被 git 忽略.env.[mode]# 只在指定的模式中被载入.env.[mode].local# 只在指定的模式中被载入,但会被 git 忽略 1 2 3 4 温馨提醒: 只有以VITE_开头的变量会被嵌入到客户端侧的包中,您可以项目代码中这样访问它们: ...
<el-icon v-show="isCollapse" @click="isCollapse=false" style="font-size:30px;"><Expand/></el-icon> </el-radio-group> 1. 2. 3. 4. 完整的案例代码: <template> <el-container> <el-aside :width="isCollapse ? '64px':'200px'"> Aside <el-menu default-active...
Vue drag-and-drop component based on Sortable.js. Contribute to SortableJS/Vue.Draggable development by creating an account on GitHub.
theme: bind missing no icon prop in the menu link component #4260 (b96712c) theme: improve local search input a11y (#4066) (92b92ae) Features experimental: support passing function for rewrites (#4274) (8436472) 1.4.0 (2024-10-07) Bug Fixes vueRE conflicting with lineNoRE (#4247)...
手摸手,带你优雅的使用 icon 手摸手,带你用合理的姿势使用 webpack4(上) 手摸手,带你用合理的姿势使用 webpack4(下) 如有问题请先看上述使用文档和文章,若不能满足,欢迎 issue 和 pr Sponsors Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on GitHub with a link to your site.[Become a sponso...
fit="fit"> </el-image> <el-row> <el-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit" round>生成词云</el-button> <el-button type="success" @click="onDownload" round>下载图片</el-button> </el-row> </template> 实现点击事件并发送请求 exportdefault { name: 'wordcloud', data() ...
add SvgIcon component (9c2a2a0) tree: add clickRowToExpand option close #318 (e696089) Performance Improvements optimize local loading speed close #329 (491f1fc) login: enter to log in (b93f20f) table: the table fills the height according to the screen close #310 (551fe50) 2.0.2 (...