地址:"address", };interfaceProps { accept:string; }constprops = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), { accept:".csv, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", });constexcelRef: any =ref(null);constexcelData: any[] =reactive([]);constclearF...
When you sign up for a BLACKVUE CLOUD Account (“Account“), we collect your email address. We use your email address: To send you a confirmation email with a link to activate your Account. To send you a password-reset email if you forget your password. As your Account ID. If you ...
public class Student implements Serializable { private Integer id; private String sid; private String name; private String sex; private Integer age; private String address; private String zhu; private String names; private List<Ke> k; 提供get和set方法 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1...
item.receiveAddress, item.createTime, item.dataFlag===0?'待审核':'审核通过', ] tableData.push(rowData) })letworkSheet =XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(tableData);letbookNew =XLSX.utils.book_new();XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(bookNew, workSheet,'作品名称')// 工作簿名称letname ='参赛人员选中...
`, props:{ addressType:{ required:true, https://riptutorial.com/ja/home 69 type:String, default:'Office' }, data(){ return{ block:'', street:'', city:'' } } } main.js import Vue from 'vue'; Vue.component('user-component', require'./user-component'); Vue.component('contact-...
由于awesome-github-vue似乎已经不维护了,暂时又没有找到其它替代地址,所以基于awesome-github-vue进行更新迭代新的项目,如果有更好用的 vue 插件,欢迎大家给我留言 如果收录的项目有错误,可以通过issue反馈给我们。这里的项目 Star 数不是实时更新的。
vue-ip - An ip address input with port and material design support vue-r-mask - Directive with template similar to javascript regular expression. vue-input-code - Base on Vue.js 2.0+ verification code input component. label-edit - Inspired by Trello. Click to show editable input and return...
vue-ip - An ip address input with port and material design support vue-r-mask - Directive with template similar to javascript regular expression. vue-input-code - Base on Vue.js 2.0+ verification code input component. label-edit - Inspired by Trello. Click to show editable input and return...
{ date: '2016-05-01', name: '王小虎', province: '上海', city: '普陀区', address: '上海市普陀区 1519 弄', id: 1003, msg_status: false }, { date: '2016-05-03', name: '王小虎', province: '上海', city: '普陀区', address: '上海市普陀区 1516 弄', id: 1004, msg_...