FREE TRIAL Overview The Vue Gantt Chart is a project planning and management tool that provides a Microsoft Project-like interface to display and manage hierarchical tasks with timeline details. Its intuitive user interface lets you visually manage tasks, resources, and task relationships in a project...
import Vue from 'vue' import vGanttChart from 'v-gantt-chart'; Vue.use(vGanttChart}); 使用链接引入 <v-gantt-chart></v-gantt-chart> <!-- 先引入vue --> <!-- 再引入v-gantt-chart.js --> new Vue({ el: '#app', }) Use template code <template> <v-gantt-...
DHTMLX Vue Gantt chart is a lightning-fast Gantt component for developing robust project management apps. Try for free for 30 days!
The Vue Gantt Chart columns define the schema of a data source. They support formatting, column menu, reordering, and more.
甘特图的概念什么是甘特图发明人含义 什么是甘特图甘特图(Gantt chart)又称为横道图、条状图(Bar chart)。其通过条状图来显示项目,进度,和其他时间相关的系统进展的内在关系随着时间进展的情况。以提出者亨利·劳伦斯·甘特(Henry Laurence Gantt)先生的名字命名。发明人亨利·劳伦斯·甘特是泰勒创立和推广科学管理制度的...
Free TrialBuy GettingStarted UIComponents Accordion ActionSheet Autocomplete BarGauge Box Bullet Button ButtonGroup Calendar Chart Chat CheckBox CircularGauge ColorBox ContextMenu DataGrid Overview GettingStarted HowTo EnhancePerformanceonLargeDatasets Columns ...
hy-vue-gantt - A powerful and flexible Gantt chart component for Vue 3 applications. Notification Toaster / snackbar — Notify the user with a modeless temporary little popup vue-easy-toast - A toast plugin for vue/vue2. vue-toast-notification - Yet another Vue.js Toast notification plugin....
Free TrialBuy v24.1 v24.1v23.2v23.1v22.2v22.1v21.2v21.1v20.2v20.1v19.2 The page you are viewing does not exist in version 19.2. v19.1 The page you are viewing does not exist in version 19.1. v18.2 The page you are viewing does not exist in version 18.2. ...
import Highcharts from "highcharts"; import Gantt from "highcharts/modules/gantt"; import HighchartsVue from "highcharts-vue"; Gantt(Highcharts); Vue.use(HighchartsVue); After that, just need to change the :constructor-type component property into a 'ganttChart': <template> <highcharts :...
Gantt Chart Component "DHTMLX Vue Gantt chart is a native Vue.js library for managing Gantt projects and tasks on the fly. The intuitive interface with drag-and-drop support makes it easy to manipulate all project tasks. It supports links between tasks, CRUD operations, tooltips and more. ...