新项目需要用到工作流设定 + 自定义表单控件,这里列出了自定义表单控件的代码实现,可实现自定义表单控件,可拖拽排序,自定义属性 项目UI 组件库为 iView, Element UI 可根据项目内代码进行适当修改达到适用 效果预览 运行使用 # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run...
Vue-form-builder源码:https://github.com/openfext/vue-form-builder 演示网站:https://openfext.github.io/vue-admin-next/#/form/form-builder 演示网站项目源码:https://github.com/openfext/vue-admin-next 下载package.json的包以及版本号 :npm install ...
Create a Vueform Builder instance on your machine using your favourite package manager: To manually install Vueform, use ourInstallation Wizard. This wizard will guide you through the necessary steps for a hassle-free setup. For a detailed understanding of Vueform, its features, and how to use...
@vueform/builder-nuxt @vueform/builder-nuxt Official Vueform Builder module for Nuxt 105 downloads • 285 stars • v1.8.0 adamberecz Installation steps:https://builder.vueform.com/docs/installation Links Documentationvueform/builder@vueform/builder-nuxtLearn more ...
Open-Source Form Framework for Vue vuejs vue forms vuejs2 form vue2 form-builder form-generator vue-form-builder vue-form vue-form-generator vue3 forms-builder vuejs3 vueforms form-generation vueform form-generator-vue3 Updated Sep 17, 2024 JavaScript surveyjs / survey-creator Star 897...
可以通过new Webpack.ProvidePluginwebpack解决。const Webpack = require('webpack')// ...plugins: ...
Learn about the many ways how Vueform styles and layouts can be customized. Size We can use any element in three different sizes: sm, md and lg. The md is the default one, while we can switch to eg. sm using size prop: ...
3.FormBuilder.vue:表单生成器组件。 DraggableFormField.vue 首先,我们创建一个简单的可拖拽表单字段组件。这个组件将显示表单字段的类型,并允许用户拖拽它。 <template><div class="draggable-form-field"><span>{{ field.label }}</span></div></template><script setup>defineProps({field: Object});</scr...
1、Form.io Form.io是一个开源的纯JavaScript表单渲染器和API平台,为开发者提供了一种快速、灵活的方式来构建和管理表单驱动的应用程序。Form.io使用ES6和JavaScript实现(没有jQuery、Angular、React或任何其他框架依赖),将JSON模式渲染为web form表单,并将该表单挂接到Form.io 服务的Complete Form Builder上,该Builde...
A drag & drop form builder platform that made with Vue.js and Element UI and generate form sourcecode (基于 vue 和 element-ui 实现的表单设计平台,生成 Element UI 的表单源代码) - SubinY/vue-form-builder