确保按照上述步骤逐一排查问题,通常可以解决Failed to resolve component的警告。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要进一步检查Vue项目的配置或查看是否有其他依赖问题。
方法一:检查组件是否注册 没有注册组件,注册即可 方法二:检查组件名称是否有误 检查一下组件的名称有没有拼错or大小写有问题 方法三:defineComponent 将vue3中的defineComponent去掉 方法四:组件互相嵌套 可能是你引用的组件互相嵌套,你中有我,我中有你,此时建议 1、把组件注册成全局组件 2、使用 webpack 的异步 i...
一、报错 runtime-dom.esm-bundler-daf7327a.js:1555 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: myBtn If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement. at <App> 回到顶部 二、原因 核心原因就是因为报警告的这个组件(myBtn)...
报错原因是 引入组件 方式错误了 ,以数组形式引入 的。 自定义的组件 直接引入 就可以了 。 // 引入顶部组件importAppTopnavfrom'@/components/app-navbar'exportdefault{// eslint-disable-next-line vue/multi-word-component-namesname:' Layout',// 下面是错误的引入方式components:[AppTopnav]} 解决方式:...
问题描述 出现警告: runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6584 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: Popconfirm If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclu
I am trying to payment integration via Gpay in vue js using google-pay-button. But i am getting warning - Failed to resolve component: google-pay-button My code - <google-pay-button environment="TEST" v-bind:button-type="buttonType" v-bind:button-color="buttonColor" v-bind:existing-pay...
出现警告: runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:6584 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: Popconfirm If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement. at <List onVnodeUnmounted=fn ref=Ref< undefined > key="/lims/wf/resulten...
1、 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: van-loading If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement. at <App>
Closed help! Vue3.0 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: webview #1217 Description E2875888382 opened on Jan 22, 2021· edited by E2875888382 Edits Describe the bug Webview tag can be used normally,but when it initializes,there is a warn by vue. Expected behavior How can i clear ...
报错: // App.vue:9 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: router-link // vue路由跳转报错Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push') 原因: 出在你挂载的位置 这个路由的use方法必须写在整体挂载方法mount之前 我的不在于顺序,而是 ...