[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "model". Expected Object, got String with value "" 原因 这个address是一个对象{},而我在触发这个方法打开dialog的时候,给赋值为空字符串,所以报错。 问题解决 只需要在给对象赋值的时候将其赋值为{}就ok 分类: 踩坑 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文...
Expected Object, got String Many people suggest using Vuex and set global states as the solution, which I believe is not what you are looking for. Solution To avoid getting [Object, Object] as the passed data, what you can do is to stringify your object in the original page,...
2019-12-05 19:00 −(转)解决a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session错误 1、a different object with the same iden... HelloWorld102 0 4999 Celery ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 0)的解决方案 ...
component with a declared prop test, marked as { required: true }. That component is used without providing a value for test. By marking a prop as required, you're effectively telling Vue: "Throw an error when this component is used without a value for this property (e.g: :test="/*...
报错信息: Invalid value for option “methods”: expected an Object, but got Function. 大致错误信息为: methods 希望是一个对象,但是得到了一个函数 错误代码 : methods(){ test(){ console.l
前台页面报错“Invalid prop: type check failed for prop “model”. Expected Object, got Array ” 错误是:期望对象,得到的是数组 从后台获取的数据是数组类型,需要把它改为Object 第一种情况: 组件传值 ...
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "areaList". Expected Object, got String with value "" vue 报错 意思是说数据类型不对 改成areaList:{} 解决
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "content". Expected Boolean, got Number with value 1234. 这时候我们只需要把父组件中的cont值改为Boolean类型即可。 const app = Vue.createApp({data(){return {cont: true}},template: `<div><hello :content='cont' /></div>`});复制代...
Expected object of backend CPU but got backend CUDA for argument #2 'weight' 2019-12-11 18:58 −Variable(adv_img_tea).cuda() 变量后面.cuda() ... 闪存第一菜鸡 0 4221 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server opt...
在用浏览器调试时,发现如下错误: Invalid valueforoption"components":expected an Object,but got Array. 出现这个错误,查看一下组件的编写是否有误,components应该是一个对象而不是一个数组 错误示例: components:[GoodsTemplate] 正确示例: components:{GoodsTemplate}...