今天在运行vue项目时,命令行出现报错如下: 浏览器访问返回如下报错,没找到根路由 于是查看配置文件,发现project\build\webpack.dev.conf.js中入口文件名称配置与项目实际名称发生了变化,配置文件中为main.html,而项目根目录下为index.html 因此,将配置文件中main.html改为index.html就好了,改完项目成功启动。
补充知识:vue项⽬运⾏报错:94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors13:03:01 error in ./src/ba 使⽤vue编写的前端项⽬运⾏报错:出错原因就是sass不⽀持当前的环境,那么在当前环境重新安装⼀下就好了 1、查看本地nodejs的版本号和node-sass的版本号 node -v ---查看...
Vue 项目中,引用vue组件,该组件是发布成npm包引入的,组件的目录结构和项目的目录结构相似。 报错因素 组件中 某段js代码 import(`@/assets/css/theme-variable-${this.theme}.scss`) 编译报错: ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 报错原因: 项目结构中没有 @/assets/css 文件,编译时找不到改目录,导致...
error in ./src/base/components/head.vue Module build failed: Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (72) For more information on which environments are supported please see: https://github.com/sass/node-sass/releases/tag/v4.7....
vue3报错 ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errorYou may use special comments to disable some warnings. U,直接在根目录下创建vue.config.js文件,关键代码。这么多错全都是因为eslint严格格式。关闭eslint严格格式就好。
ERROR in [eslint]报错问题解决方式: 第一步:vue.config.js 文件配置 const { defineConfig } = require('@vue/cli-service') module.exports = defineConfig({ transpileDependencies: true, lintOnSave: false }) 第二步。win+R cmd 再次运行 npm run serve 🍓结束 后续新出会陆续 ...
ERROR Failedtocompilewith1errors14:03:51errorin./src/components/login/Login.vueModuleError (from./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js): ✖24problems (3errors,21warnings)3errorsand21warnings potentially fixablewiththe `--fix` option.@ ./src/router/index.ts5:0-4914:13-18@ ./src/main.ts...
补充知识:vue项目运行报错:94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors13:03:01 error in ./src/ba 使用vue编写的前端项目运行报错: 88% hashing 89% module assets processing 90% chunk assets processing 94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors13:03:01 ...
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error 16:17:24[eslint]C:\Users\xuhuichen\Desktop\gpyh-ec-wx-front\src\components\a1.vue 1:1 error Component name "a1" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)You may use special comments to disable...