Created with Sketch.6.758 Sentry for VueVue Application Monitoring 💚 Sponsored by Friends SortableJS Vue 3Vue 3 Sortable Wrapper #UI Components#Animation#Wrapper Created with Sketch.7.683 Unlayer Vue Email EditorDrag & Drop Email Editor Component ... 解决痛点 在Sortablejs官方以往的Vue组件中,都是通过使用组件作为列表的直接子元素来实现拖拽列表,当我们使用一些组件库时,如果组件库中没有提供列表根元素的插槽,我们很难实现拖拽列表,vue-draggable-plus 完美解决了这个问题,它可以让你在任何元素上使用拖拽列表,我们可以使用...
</template>import{ref}from'vue'import{vDraggable}from'vue-draggable-plus'constlist=ref([{name:'Joao',id:1},{name:'Jean',id:2},{name:'Johanna',id:3},{name:'Juan',id:4}])functiononStart() {console.log('start')}functiononUpdate() {console.log('update')} Explanation All event fun... Use it $ yarn add vue-draggable-plus-pluscopy Try in RunKit· Browse Files CDNs jsDelivr unpkg
vue-draggable-plus/LICENSE Version: 1.07 kBPlain TextView Raw 1 MIT License 2 3 Copyright (c) 2023 丶远方 4 5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 6 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ...
vue-draggable-plus/dist/directive.d.ts Version: 363 BTypeScriptView Raw 1 import type { ObjectDirective, Ref } from 'vue'; 2 import type { RefOrValue } from './types'; 3 import { UseDraggableOptions } from './useDraggable'; 4 declare type VDraggableBinding = [ 5 list: Ref...
VueDraggablePlus是一个专为 Vue 打造的拖拽排序模块,基于Sortablejs封装,支持 Vue3 或 Vue 2.7+,本月的 21 日,Vue 作者尤雨溪还在社交媒体上推荐了这款组件。 If you are looking for a drag-and-drop library for Vue (both 2 and 3), this one looks really good。
vue-draggable-plus/dist/useDraggable.d.ts Version: 1.64 kBTypeScriptView Raw 1 import Sortable, { type Options, type SortableEvent } from 'sortablejs'; 2 import { type Ref } from 'vue'; 3 import type { RefOrElement, RefOrValue } from './types'; ...
VueDraggablePlus是一个专为 Vue 打造的拖拽排序模块,基于Sortablejs封装,支持Vue3或 Vue 2.7+,本月的 21 日,Vue 作者尤雨溪还在社交媒体上推荐了这款组件。 If you are looking for a drag-and-drop library for Vue (both 2 and 3), this one looks really good。