vue2 和 vue-dompurify-html 的概述 vue2 是什么? Vue.js 是一个用于构建用户界面的渐进式 JavaScript 框架。 Vue 2 是 Vue.js 的一个重要版本,它继承了 Vue 1 的优点,并且在性能、组件化、工具支持等方面进行了改进和优化。 Vue 2 的设计主要偏向于轻量级和易用性,适合快速构建单页面应用(SPA)。 vue-...
Safe replacement for the v-html directive. Latest version: 5.2.0, last published: 3 months ago. Start using vue-dompurify-html in your project by running `npm i vue-dompurify-html`. There are 30 other projects in the npm registry using vue-dompurify-html
您可以通过以下步骤来使用DOMPurify库: 1.首先,您需要安装DOMPurify库。在命令行中运行以下命令: ``` npm install dompurify ``` 2.在需要使用DOMPurify的Vue组件中,导入DOMPurify库: ```vue import DOMPurify from 'dompurify'; ``` 3.在Vue组件中,您可以在需要净化HTML的地方使用DOMPurify,例如在模板中使用插值...
二、npm vue-dompurify-html - npm 三、nuxt3项目使用 3.1、安装vue-dompurify-html pnpm add vue-dompurify-html 3.2、plugins/vueInject.js // 防止使用v-html发生跨站脚本攻击XSSimport VueDOMPurifyHTML from 'vue-dompurify-html'export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => {nuxtApp.vueApp.use(VueDOMPurify...
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import{ createApp }from'vue';importAppfrom'./App.vue';importVueDOMPurifyHTMLfrom'vue-dompurify-html';constapp = createApp(App); app.use(VueDOMPurifyHTML, {namedConfigurations: {svg: {USE_PROFILES: {svg:true}, },mathml: {USE_PROFILES: {mathMl:true}, ...
Safe replacement for the v-html directive. Latest version: 2.6.0, last published: 6 months ago. Start using cmss-vue-dompurify-html in your project by running `npm i cmss-vue-dompurify-html`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using cmss-vue
Safe replacement for the v-html directive. Contribute to LeSuisse/vue-dompurify-html development by creating an account on GitHub.
vue-dompurify-html/types/index.d.ts Version: 403 BTypeScriptView Raw 1importtype{ Plugin }from'vue'; 2importtype{ DirectiveConfig, MinimalDOMPurifyConfig, DOMPurifyInstanceBuilder }from'./dompurify-html'; 3exporttype{ DirectiveConfig, MinimalDOMPurifyConfig, DOMPurifyInstanceBuilder, }; ...
Safe replacement for the v-html directive. Contribute to LeSuisse/vue-dompurify-html development by creating an account on GitHub.