Invalid Host/Origin header 原因: 新版的webpack-dev-server增加了安全验证,默认检查hostname,如果hostname不是配置内的,将中断访问。 二、解决方法 方法1: 在vue项目的根目录下创建vue.config.js,并加入以下配置: module.exports = { devServer: { disableHostCheck: true, } } 可参考: vue之Error: Unkn...
ValidationError: Invalid options object. Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema. options has an unknown property 'disableHostCheck'. These properties are valid: object { allowedHosts?, bonjour?, client?, compress?, devMiddleware?, headers?, his...
[boolean] --compress Enable gzip compression [boolean] Connection options: --port The port --disable-host-check Will not check the host [boolean] --socket Socket to listen --public The public hostname/ip address of the server [string] --host The hostname/ip address the server will bind...
Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only and is very easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable...
env.VUE_APP_BASE_API]: '' //将 /dev-api 替换成 ''再映射到 8080 端口 } } }, disableHostCheck: true }, 验证码后端逻辑 @GetMapping("/captchaImage") public AjaxResult getCode(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { AjaxResult ajax = AjaxResult.success(); // 查看验证码的...
import Vue from vue import App from ./App import router from ./router //引入路由模块 Vue.config.productionTip = false /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ el: #app, router, //使用路由模块 components: { App }, template: <App/> })在router文件夹下 的index.js 是 路由的...
feat: add volar.nameCasing.status setting to disable nameCasing status (#2453) fix(vue-typescript): add missing peer dependency typescript (#2665) - thanks @merceyz fix: slots references codeLens, renaming not working fix: pug multiline attribute values are marked as error (#2413) fix: ...
, "ischeckdisabled" , "disabled" , "disablecheckbox" , "traversetreenodes" , "treenodes" , "processnode" , "parent" , "childlist" , "parentpos" , "subnode" , "subindex" , "mapchildren" , "getdragnodeskeys" , "eventkey" , "dragnodeskeys" , "calcdropposition" , "event" , "...
4.2、Runtime-only: about 6KB lighter min+gzip, but templates (or any Vue-specificHTML) are ONLY allowed in .vue files - render functions are required elsewhere 仅运行时,已经有推荐了就选择第一个了 Install vue-router? (Y/n) 是否安装vue-router 这是官方的路由,输入y,使用官方路由 ...
Go back to the Service Worker tab inside Chrome Developer Tools, and check the "offline" option at the top. As far as your application is concerned, you now have no internet connection. When you refresh the page, you'll find that you're still unable to access the app; whilst we have...