bug: pinia devtools… 3d602ab solutions ✅ // 2. use pinia import { createApp } from 'vue'; import App from './App.vue'; import { createPinia } from 'pinia'; const app = createApp(App); app.use(createPinia());-createApp(App).mount('#app');+app.mount('#app'); ...
一、在 pinia 里面创建状态 在 defineStore 里面定义状态就跟在组件当中定义是一样的,使用 vue 的 ...
https://devtools.vuejs.org/plugin/plugins-guide.html ❌ not work at all usage bug // 2. use piniaimport{ createApp }from'vue';importAppfrom'./App.vue';import{ createPinia }from'pinia';constapp =createApp(App);constpinia =createPinia(); app.use(pinia);// app.use(createPinia());...
vue devtools 官网:https://devtools.vuejs.org/guide/installation.html#beta 1.有版本区别。vue2和vue3,要找到的对应的版本 2.github手动编辑的方式,实现不了,因为他妈的,github要FQ!!! 3.gitee开源项目,搜索vue-devtools,得到相关的镜像地址。这个插件,包括介绍都是英文,果断使用腾讯官方的腾讯翻译浏览器插件。...
import{defineStore}from'pinia'// main is the name of the store. It is unique across your application// and will appear in devtoolsexportconstuseMainStore=defineStore('main',{// a function that returns a fresh statestate:()=>({counter:0,name:'Eduardo',}),// optional gettersgetters:{/...
import{createApp}from'vue'import{createPinia}from"pinia"constapp=createApp(App)constpinia=createPinia()app.use(pinia)app.mount('#app') 项目目录新建store/index.js做个简单的数值递增 useStore可以自己任意命名store类似id的意思,pinia使用它来将store连接到devtools ...
(2023-04-27) Daodao Chun: vue2.7.14+pinia2.0.34在router.beforeEach 使用useUserStore(pinia) 控制台报错 :1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__') (2023-04-14) -蜗牛大哥: 资源占用离谱, 这是3A大作吗 ?
对于Firefox(77.0.1,64位),我禁用了所有其他扩展,在没有打开Firefox Devtools的情况下加载页面,...
Vue DevTools showing the files we added. (Large preview) Nice! Now Let’s make this a bit more accessible for users who can’t (or don’t want to) drag and drop, by adding a hidden file input (that becomes visible when focused via keyboard for those that need it, assuming you’re...
modal: ensure that the shutdown event is not triggered multiple times (655b743) pop-confirm: fix event working unexpected (a6ef771) route: dynamically introduce components error (c6b766d) router: loss directory route (df8cd86), closes #722 store: fix type error after pinia version upgrade (...