Larger Desktop Apps can also choose to skip downloading each time by running their locally cached version with theapp:URL scheme: app:vuedesktop Or on the command line withapp run, e.g: $ app run vuedesktop Cross Platform# Thex dotnet toolis a lighter-weight cross-platform .NET tool as...
.NET 5.0 Vue Windows Desktop App Project Template.This Project Template lets you create .NET Core Vue Single Page Apps that can also be packaged & deployed as Gist Desktop Apps which is ideal for quickly & effortlessly creating & deploying small to medium .NET Core Windows Desktop Apps package...
2.环境 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>node -v v16.14.2 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>electron -v v21.3.1 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>electron-builder --version 23.6.0 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>electron-packager --version Electron Packager 17.1.1 Node v16.14....
Vue + Quasar: desktop app and browser extension Andy Li 10 July 2020 If you’re intrigued by the idea of developing applications on different platforms using only the JavaScript language, it will be a thrill to learn about this framework called Quasar.The...
$ dotnet tool install -g app $ app new vue-desktop ProjectName requires latest app v6.x Alternatively write new project files directly into an empty repository, using the Directory Name as the ProjectName: $ git clone<User>/<ProjectName>.git $ cd <ProjectName> $ x...
cd Desktop vue init webpack luffy 根据需要在生成项目时,生成选择对应的选项 根据上面的提示,我们已经把vue项目构建好了,接下来我们可以在pycharm编辑器中把项目打开并根据上面黄色提示,运行测试服务器。 cd luffy npm run dev 初始化项目 清除默认的HelloWorld.vue组件和APP.vue中的默认模板代码和默认样式 ...
// 渲染进程 console.log(window.myAPI) // => { desktop: true } (成功获取) 以上方式就是通过contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld将preload.js中的myAPI数据共享给渲染进程的网页使用。 官网详细介绍:流程模型 | Electron 2 初始化项目 2.1 使用electron-vite新建项目 找个合适的目录,执行项目创建命令。 npm命令...
<template></template>exportdefault{name:"App",methods:{getUnits(){//...},},beforeMount(){this.getUnits();},}; 将getUnits 方法添加到 methods 属性中。 我们在 beforeMount 钩子中调用 this.getUnits 。 this.getUnits 是 methods 对象属性中的 getUnits...
(args);}@Overridepublicvoidstart(StageprimaryStage){primaryStage.setTitle("JavaFX Vue Desktop App");WebViewwebView=newWebView();WebEnginewebEngine=webView.getEngine();webEngine.load("file:///path/to/vue/app/index.html");Scenescene=newScene(webView,800,600);primaryStage.setScene(scene);...
| |--app.vue 顶层路由 | |--main.js 入口文件 安装运行 $gitclone$cdNeteaseCloudMusicApi$npm install$npm start$成功后访问localhost:3000是否正常,正常下一步$$cddesktop-nicemusic$npm install$npm run se...