Larger Desktop Apps can also choose to skip downloading each time by running their locally cached version with theapp:URL scheme: app:vuedesktop Or on the command line withapp run, e.g: $ app run vuedesktop Cross Platform# Thex dotnet toolis a lighter-weight cross-platform .NET tool as...
In addition, the app tool also bundles a Chromium Desktop App shell in order for your Vue Desktop Apps to appear like Native Desktop Apps, to get the same experience with Blazor WASM App you would also need to manage the installation of a Chromium wrapper like Chromely.When App sizes are ...
2.环境 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>node -v v16.14.2 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>electron -v v21.3.1 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>electron-builder --version 23.6.0 C:\Users\lixiewen\Desktop\tmp\dist>electron-packager --version Electron Packager 17.1.1 Node v16.14....
Vue + Quasar: desktop app and browser extension Andy Li 10 July 2020 If you’re intrigued by the idea of developing applications on different platforms using only the JavaScript language, it will be a thrill to learn about this framework called Quasar.The...
$ dotnet tool install -g app $ app new vue-desktop ProjectName requires latest app v6.x Alternatively write new project files directly into an empty repository, using the Directory Name as the ProjectName: $ git clone<User>/<ProjectName>.git $ cd <ProjectName> $ x...
WalletOutlined WhatsAppOutlined WifiOutlined WomanOutlined 基本用法 通过@ant-design/icons-vue 引用Icon 组件,不同主题的 Icon 组件名为图标名加主题做为后缀,也可以通过设置 spin 属性来实现动画旋转效果。 TS 自定义图标 利用Icon 组件封装一个可复用的自定义图标。可以通过 component 属性或插槽传入一个 svg 组...
// 渲染进程 console.log(window.myAPI) // => { desktop: true } (成功获取) 以上方式就是通过contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld将preload.js中的myAPI数据共享给渲染进程的网页使用。 官网详细介绍:流程模型 | Electron 2 初始化项目 2.1 使用electron-vite新建项目 找个合适的目录,执行项目创建命令。 npm命令... such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\vue公开课\public_pro\package.json' ...
// in App.vue inside of your mounted() hook:constcurrentPlatform=this.$isMobile()?‘mobile’:‘desktop’ localStorage.setItem('platform',currentPlatform)// Use it anywherelocalStorage.getItem(‘platform’) 8、当用户按下 ENTER 时关注下一个表单输入 ...
(args);}@Overridepublicvoidstart(StageprimaryStage){primaryStage.setTitle("JavaFX Vue Desktop App");WebViewwebView=newWebView();WebEnginewebEngine=webView.getEngine();webEngine.load("file:///path/to/vue/app/index.html");Scenescene=newScene(webView,800,600);primaryStage.setScene(scene);...