针对你遇到的错误“TypeError: Vue.filter is not a function”,这通常是因为你正在使用的Vue版本不再支持全局过滤器(filters)。以下是针对这个问题的详细分析和解决方案: 1. 检查app.js中是否有对Vue.filter的调用 首先,你需要检查app.js文件中是否有类似下面的代码: javascript Vue.filter('capitalize', function...
Uncaught TypeError: _Vue.component is not a function meteor1.8.3 vue Meteor1.8.3 vue升级到meteor1.8.3之后,在浏览器打开时发现了报错Uncaught TypeError: _Vue.component is not a function一、先给出我的解决办法在根目录新建一个imports的文件夹,只要将所有的vue文件从client里面剪切到imports文件夹里面即可。
I'm currently using checkboxes in the first row and slots... when I try to click on the next page, I receive this error: this.tableData.filter is not a function It appears that this.tableData after clicking on "page 2" becomes an object ...
validateField is not a function? elementplus表单效验,报错显示formDateRef.value.validateField is not a function <template> <div class="login-body"> <div class="login-panel"> <el-from ref="formDateRef" class="login-register" :model="formDate"...
改为new Date(). 点击“解析”提交validate 校验不再报错,但是重新选择时间还是报错:TypeError: dateObject.getTime is not a function。重新选择后的时间变为字符串导致rules 中validate 报错。 最终修改方法: 1.初始化时间改为: 2.去掉rules中的type:'date':...
I'm receiving this error plus two warnings (below): TypeError: this.mutableOptions.filter is not a function I'm using an array of objects (named "users") for the prop/options data. Warnings: [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "options". Expected Array, got Object. ...
cmp =Vue.extend(App);// Create a copy of the original componentvm =newcmp({data: {// Replace data value with this fake datamessages: ["Cat"] } }).$mount();// Instances and mounts the component});it('equals messages to ["Cat"]',() =>{expect(vm.messages).toEqual(["Cat"]);...
Vue做事的步骤: - 定义界面:界面元素包含在一个统一的父元素下,使用绑定语法(如{{变量名}}、:、v-show)代替可能发生变化的地方。 - 定义数据对象:包含页面上可能变化的位置所需的变量和初始值。 - 创建Vue实例对象:使用new Vue()创建Vue实例,并指定要监视的父元素(el)和数据对象(data)。
PazulaycommentedAug 26, 2022 Owner KABBOUCHIcommentedAug 26, 2022 Author I see. I don't even know where getProps is being used because it is not in the project. This is an example of an element using v-tippy directive in my project: ...