导致"write operation failed: computed value is readonly" 警告的可能原因 这个警告通常发生在尝试修改一个计算属性的值时。由于计算属性是只读的,任何尝试修改其值的操作都会导致 Vue 抛出警告。这种情况可能发生在以下几种情况: 直接在模板中尝试修改计算属性的值:尽管在模板中不能直接修改计算属性的值,但如果在...
*/msg.value= newValue// computedMsg.value = newValue} })// 修改 计算属性的值 的方法constadd= () => { computedMsg.value= computedMsg.value+'???'} AI代码助手复制代码 “Vue警告Write operation failed:computed value is readonly如何解决”的内容就介绍到这里了,感谢大家的阅读。如果想了解更多行...
为计算属性配置修改方法,如下: import{ computed, ref}from'vue'constmsg =ref('-')// 计算属性constcomputedMsg: any =computed({get() {// 这里返回的值是获取计算属性的值returnmsg.value+'-'},set(newValue) {// 参数newValue是被修改后的值// 这里是修改的具体逻辑/* 注意这里不要使用下面的方法...
2.7.0版本,在vue3.4.21下,控制台有警告 Write operation failed: computed value is readonly 2.7.0版本,在vue3.4.21下,控制台有警告 Write operation failed: computed value is readonly 问题描述 Environment Vue Version:3.4.21 Element Plus Version:2.7.0 Browser / OS:chrome 120 Build Tool:Webpack...
This happens only with Vue DEV build - vue.global.js, so I can't reproduce it athttps://element-plus.run/ Any component affected in#16361outputs in browser console: [Vue warn] Write operation failed: computed value is readonly in packages/hooks/use-empty-values/index.ts:31 ...
Unable to update computed variable second time. (Vue3 ... Getting a warning error like “Write operation failed: computed value is readonly”. My requirement is , I want to store initial fetched data... Read more > vue3之fix: [Vue warn]: Write operation failed: computed...
export class ComputedRefImpl<T> { public dep?: Dep = undefined private _value!: T public readonly effect: ReactiveEffect<T> public readonly __v_isRef = true public readonly __v_isReadonly: boolean = false public _dirty = true public _cacheable: boolean constructor( getter: ComputedGett...
const computedName = computed(() => { return (first: string, last: string) => { return first + "." + last + "-" + "nickName" + nickName.value; }; }); <template> Hello My Name is {{ computedName("wang", "haoyu") }} </template> 此时,页面初始化时会...
Write operation failed: computed value is readonly 因此,还是需要改回原先的模式,即:若数据待绑定的目标组件会修改所绑定的对象的值时,应当由业务组件负责数据的初始化,在业务组件内修改数据并将修改同步到状态库;状态库只负责保存数据副本,以便其他组件获取。同理,若某些公共数据需要由状态库负责维护时,业务组件...
fix: [Vue warn]: Write operation failed: computed value is readonly.#19 #645 Description danielroe openedon May 3, 2020 🐛 The bug At the moment, if a component that callsuseFetchhas a computed property returned from setup, it will give the following error: ...