1. 解释 Vue 3 中 Vue.component 不再可用的原因 在Vue 3 中,Vue.component 方法被移除,这是因为 Vue 3 旨在提供更灵活和模块化的组件系统。Vue 3 鼓励开发者使用 app.component 方法在创建应用实例后注册全局组件,或者使用 <script setup> 语法在单文件组件(SFC)中局部注册组件。 2. 提供 Vue 3 ...
代码如下: 错误原因:component() 是全小写的,把C写这样就会报错了
升级到meteor1.8.3之后,在浏览器打开时发现了报错Uncaught TypeError: _Vue.component is not a function 一、先给出我的解决办法 在根目录新建一个imports的文件夹,只要将所有的vue文件从client里面剪切到imports文件夹里面即可。估计是meteor官方又改变了文件的存放目录而引起的。如下图 二、官方论坛解决办法:(提示...
我导入了不同类型的Vue CDN,<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@next"></script>Uncaught TypeError: Vue.component is not a function"我不确定我是否导入了错误版本的 Vue,或者我在 jsfiddle 上的设置是否错误。var subreddit = Vue.component('subreddit',{template: '#subreddit',props: ['name'],da...
after installing @vue/test-utils@next and vue-jest@next, everytime I run a unit test I get the error 'vue.defineComponent is not a function' coming from node_modules/@vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:2361:26. MyComponent.vue <template> <div>hello</div> </template> <script...
First check https://github.com/SortableJS/Vue.Draggable/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md Jsfiddle link Step by step scenario Actual Solution Expected Solution
component is not a function" 我不确定是否导入了错误的Vue版本,或者是否在jsfiddle上有错误的设置。 代码语言:javascript 复制 var subreddit = Vue.component('subreddit',{ template: '#subreddit', props: ['name'], data: function () { return { posts: [] } }, created: function(){ this.$...
Uncaught TypeError: _Vue.component is not a function I googled the error and searched on this forum without any luck. I’ll drop the content of the files I have edited below, but these are exact the ones from the guide: client/main.html ...
import { Component as tsc } from 'vue-tsx-support'; import { Component,Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator'; const chartPanel = ()=>import('line-chart') @Component export default class Demo extends tsc<{}> { @Prop({ required: true, type: Object }) readonly panel; ...
I'm following the example to add froala to a .vue component. It compiled with no errrors, but I get a runtime error: Error in render function: "TypeError: Vue.component is not a function" Anyone have ideas of what I may have missed?