vue-default-page - A Vue 3.0 plugin with built-in v-loading, v-skeleton, v-error and v-empty custom directives. Progress Bar A slim progress bar at the top of the page vue-scroll-progress - Simple Vue.js plugin for page scroll progress bar vue-ins-progress-bar - A Vue component of...
var emptyObject = Object.freeze({});// 冻结的对象无法再更改 [link]( // 接下来是一些封装用来判断基本类型、引用类型、类型转换的方法 isUndef//判断未定义 isDef// 判断已定义 isTrue// 判断为 true isF...
function doWatch( source: WatchSource | WatchSource[] | WatchEffect | object, cb: WatchCallback | null, { immediate, deep, flush, onTrack, onTrigger }: WatchOptions = EMPTY_OBJ, instance = currentInstance ): WatchStopHandle { let getter: () => any let forceTrigger = false let isMulti...
functioninitLifecycle(vm){/*获取到options, options已经在mergeOptions中最终处理完毕*/varoptions=vm.$options;// locate first non-abstract parent/*获取当前实例的parent*/varparent=options.parent;/*parent存在, 并且不是非抽象组件*/if(parent&&!options.abstract){/*循环向上查找, 知道找到是第一个非抽象的...
6 var emptyobject = object .freeze({}); 7 var isarray = array .isarray; 8 // these helpers produce better vm code in js engines due to their 9 // explicitness and function inlining. 10 function isundef ( v ) { 11 return v === undefined || v === null ; 12 } 13 function ...
('renders error message if email is empty',async() => {const{getAllByRole, getByRole, findByRole } =render(TheLogin);constbutton =getByRole('button', {name:/sign in/i}) =>{consterrorElement =getAllByRole('alert')/...
defineModel:always default modifiers to empty object (9bc3c7e), closes#9945 defineModel:support local mutation when only prop but no listener is passed (97ce041) types:fix defineModel watch type error (#9942) (4af8583), closes#9939 ...
This has bitten me when using a Vuex store with en emptystateobject. My subsequent changes to the state would not result in computed properties that depend on it being re-evaluated. Adding explicit keys with null values to the Veux state solved that problem. ...
originalRecordconst mainNormalizedRecord = normalizeRouteRecord(record)if (__DEV__) {checkChildMissingNameWithEmptyPath(mainNormalizedRecord, parent)}// we might be the child of an aliasmainNormalizedRecord.aliasOf = originalRecord && originalRecord.recordconst options: PathParserOptions = mergeOptions...