"browser-image-compression": "2.0.2", "crypto-js": "4.1.1", "echarts": "5.4.1", "element-plus": "2.3.6", "element-resize-detector": "1.2.4", "js-base64": "3.7.5", "lodash": "4.17.21", "moment": "2.29.4", "pinia": "2.0.33", "qs": "6.11.1", "tinymce": "...
resolve(res) }) } //保存文件 export function saveImage(key) { const url = host + "/file/save"; return axios.put(url, { key: key }).then((res) => { return Promise.resolve(res) }) } 代码语言:javascript 复制 import * as qiniu from 'qiniu-js' import browserMD5File from '...
Image properties Browser support Filerobot UI Family Contributing LicenseDemoTo see the Cloudimage Responsive plugin in action, please check out the Demo page. Play with your browser's window size and observe your Inspector's Network tab to see how Cloudimage delivers the optimal image size to yo...
ImageEngineis an image CDN with automatic, real-time image optimization. What makes ImageEnginestand out from the crowdis the way ImageEngine analyses the request to dynamically provide a visually high-quality image at the lowest possible byte size based on the device or browser’s capabilities. ...
TheChrome 80+browser is recommended for local development Support modern browsers, not IE IE Edge Firefox Chrome Safari not supportlast 2 versionslast 2 versionslast 2 versionslast 2 versions Maintainer If you think this project is helpful to you, you can help the author buy a cup of coffee ...
exports = { dev: { // 开发环境下面的配置 assetsSubDirectory: 'static',//子目录,一般存放css,js,image等文件 assetsPublicPath: '/',//根目录 proxyTable: {},//可利用该属性解决跨域的问题 host: 'localhost', // 地址 port: 8080, //端口号设置,端口号占用出现问题可在此处修改 autoOpenBrowser: ...
Returns a data-URL containing a representation of the image in the format specified by the type parameter (defaults to png). compressionRate (v0.2.0+) defaults to 1, you can pass a number between 0 and 1 to get a compressed output image....
144 ### Using `UMD` in browser 145 146 ```html 147 <!DOCTYPE html> 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 showImg(index)"> 158 159 </
浏览器直接使用 browser 使用说明 Usage options 组件属性 attributes content height z-index auto-height show-module-name 事件 change License 简介Intro gpower-mobile-editor 是一个 Vue 的富文本编辑器插件,简洁灵活可扩展,适用于 vue2.0 以上版本,支持 IE11. gpower-mobile-editor is an html5 wysiwyg edit...
462 Original Whether to render in the original scale of the image Default is No 463 464 465 ### v0.26 466 Fix Firefox browser mouse zoom problem 467 468 ### v0.25 469 Fix image may not show 470 471 ### v0.24 472 Fix ios photo rotation Screenshot problem Add auto fi...