ps: 也可以通过 npm 安装 vue-baidu-map 引入vue-baidu-map这个百度地图组件 引入js 库 打开public/index.html,引入 js <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 编写代码 <template> <div id="map"></div> </template> <script> import { onMount...
第二更换npm工具为pnpm重装依赖,如果仍不行,建议不建议webpack,删除掉webpack相关依赖。 网上还有一种做法是:在window对象上挂载global对象,可作为备选方案。import?{?defineConfig?}?from?'vite'export?default?defineConfig({})6 @import'~@vant/icons/src/encode-woff2.less';报错 这个错误是vant组件库中的ic...
vue Baidu Map 安装: $ npm install vue-baidu-map --save 全局注册 全局注册将一次性引入百度地图组件库的所有组件。 import Vue from 'vue'import BaiduMap from'vue-baidu-map'Vue.use(BaiduMap, {//ak 是在百度地图开发者平台申请的密钥 详见 */ak: 'YOUR_...
基于Vue.js@1.0的百度地图组件. Contribute to XingzheFE/vue-baidu-map development by creating an account on GitHub.
| ❌ | no issue | - vue-baidu-map - Vue 2.x component for Baidu Maps. | ❌ | no issue | - vue-choropleth - Vue 2.x component to display a choropleth map. | ❌ | issue | - vuelayers - Vue 2 components to work with OpenLayers. | ❌ | no issue | - vue-googlemaps...
(getters).map(key => { Object.defineProperty(this.getters, key, { get: () => getters[key](this.state) }) }) } commit (type, payload) { let entry = this._mutations[type] if (!entry) { returnnewError(`${type} is not defined`) } entry(this.state, payload) } dispatch (type,...
vue-baidu-map - Vue 2.x component for Baidu Maps. vue-choropleth - Vue 2.x component to display a choropleth map. vuelayers - Vue 2 components to work with OpenLayers. vue-googlemaps - Vue 2.x components to integrate Google Maps. vue-static-map - Vue 2.x simple component to generat...
vue-baidu-map - Vue 2.x component for Baidu Maps. vue-choropleth - Vue 2.x component to display a choropleth map. vuelayers - Vue 2 components to work with OpenLayers. vue-googlemaps - Vue 2.x components to integrate Google Maps. vue-static-map - Vue 2.x simple component to generat...
new Map(e):new Set(e),n=e.clear();return t&&li(e,"clear",void 0,void 0,o),n;}function Pi(e,t){return function(o,n){var i=this,r=i.__v_raw,s=or(r),a=t?Si:e?rr:ir;return!e&&ai(s,"iterate",ri),r.forEach(function(e,t)...
在Vue2 中, 0bject.defineProperty 会改变原始数据,而 Proxy 是创建对象的虚拟表示,并提供 set 、get 和 deleteProperty 等处理器,这些处理器可在访问或...