import Vue from 'vue'; import CodeEditor from'bin-code-editor'; import'bin-code-editor/lib/style/index.css'; import App from'./App.vue'; Vue.use(CodeEditor);newVue({ el:'#app', render: h=>h(App) }); 示例代码 <template> <div> <b-code-editor v-model="jsonStr" :indent-unit...
import CodeEditor from'bin-code-editor'; import'bin-code-editor/lib/style/index.css'; import App from'./App.vue'; Vue.use(CodeEditor);newVue({ el:'#app', render: h=>h(App) }); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 示例代码 <template> <div> <b-code-editor v-model...
Ace Editor - Full This is the main component of Vue2-brace. It creates an instance of the Ace Editor. Available Props PropDefaultTypeDescription name'brace-editor'StringUnique Id to be used for the editor mode''StringLanguage for parsing and code highlighting ...
vue-bl-markdown-editor 一个基于markdown-it 高度可扩展的vue编辑器组件 允许提供插槽自定义工具栏 允许通过动态注册组件,允许插入工具栏指定位置 优势: 可完全自定义工具栏功能,markdown-it插件调用等 演示站 安装$ npm install vue-bl-markdown-editor --save ...
editor code marijn •0.1.3•a year ago•27dependents•MITpublished version0.1.3,a year ago27dependentslicensed under $MIT 654,335 vue-demi <p align="center"> <img src="" width="600"/> <br> <a href='ht...
npm install bin-code-editor -d 引入 在main.js 中写入2行 代码语言:javascript 复制 import CodeEditor from 'bin-code-editor'; Vue.use(CodeEditor); test.vue 代码语言:javascript 复制 <template> <div style="width: 70%;margin-left: 30px;margin-top: 30px;"> <b-code-editor v-model="json...
Code is Open Source on GitHub (although not the live files that run the game at kdcinfo). GRAP - Business communication service JSON Schema Editor - An intuitive editor for JSON schema built with Vue.js and Firebase. Winsome Trivia - A single or multiplayer trivia game featuring over 2,...
方法一:使用 vue2-ace-editor 插件实现 安装 npm i vue2-ace-editor -S // 或者 cnpm i vue2-ace-editor -S 1. 2. 3. 组件内使用实例 <template> <div class="codeEditBox"> <editor v-model="code" @init="editorInit" @input='codeChange' lang="javascript" :options="editorOptions" theme=...
codesandbox的编辑器用的是monaco-editor也就是vscode 的前身 但是,翻遍源码,他的调用方式跟monaco-editor 不能说是相似,简直可以说是不同,并且monaco-editor 的文档也是一塌糊涂,我猜他们魔改了这个编辑器 甚至官方都让我们直接从类型定义文件里面去猜,
"main": "lib/vue-code-viewer.common.js", "unpkg": "lib/vue-code-viewer.umd.js", "scripts": {}, "dependencies": {}, "peerDependencies": {}, "devDependencies": {}, "keywords": [ "vue", "components", "codemirror", "code editor" ...