vue-datagrid - Vue grid wrapper for powerful webcomponent revo-grid with excel like rich edit and behavior. vue-dataset - A set of Vue.js components to display datasets with filtering, paging, and sorting capabilities! jz-gantt - A high-performance Vue gantt component, which includes highly ...
15.2.0•Public• Published6 days ago The officialVue 2 wrapper for Handsontable. JavaScript Data Gridwith a spreadsheet-like look and feel. With its spreadsheet-like editing features, it’s perfect for building data-rich internal apps. It allows users to enter, edit, validate, and process ...
15.2.0•Public• Published7 days ago The officialVue 3 wrapper for Handsontable. JavaScript Data Gridwith a spreadsheet-like look and feel. With its spreadsheet-like editing features, it’s perfect for building data-rich internal apps. It allows users to enter, edit, validate, and process ...
在这里首先简单说明一下什么是前后端分离和单页式应用:前后端分离的核心思想是前端页面通过 ajax 调用后端的 restuful api 进行数据交互,而单页面应用(single page web application,SPA),就是只有一个页面,并在用户与应用程序交互时动态更新该页面的 Web 应用程序。 2、示例所用技术简介 简单说明以下本示例中所用...
<slot-comp v-for="x in foods"> {{}} {{x.desc}} </slot-comp> </template> As the content enters the component where the <slot> is, we use a div around the <slot> and style the locally to create a card-like appearance around the content without affecting other di...
在这个示例中,当点击"打开对话框"按钮时,showDialog属性会被设置为true,从而显示对话框。对话框使用了一个半透明的遮罩层(.dialog-wrapper)来覆盖整个页面,并在中间显示一个白色背景的对话框(.dialog)。点击对话框中的"关闭"按钮时,showDialog属性会被设置为false,对话框将被隐藏。 本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划...
在这里首先简单说明一下什么是前后端分离和单页式应用:前后端分离的核心思想是前端页面通过 ajax 调用后端的 restuful api 进行数据交互,而单页面应用(single page web application,SPA),就是只有一个页面,并在用户与应用程序交互时动态更新该页面的 Web 应用程序。
在这里首先简单说明一下什么是前后端分离和单页式应用:前后端分离的核心思想是前端页面通过 ajax 调用后端的 restuful api 进行数据交互,而单页面应用(single page web application,SPA),就是只有一个页面,并在用户与应用程序交互时动态更新该页面的 Web 应用程序。
Vue-ApexCharts is a wrapper component for ApexCharts ready to be integrated into your vue.js application to create stunning Vue Charts. In this post, you will learn how to use Vue-ApexCharts component to create various charts in your vue.js application with ease. ...
application-dev.yml里图片配置路径 AI检测代码解析 prop: upload_folder_headImg: D:/upload_files/headImage/ 1. 2. 2.配置一下通过前端vue访问图片路径权限: AI检测代码解析 @Configuration public class WebMvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Value("${prop.upload_folder_headImg}") private String ...