"win": { "icon": "build/icons/aims.ico", "target": [ { "target": "nsis", "arch": [ "ia32" ] } ] }, "linux": { "icon": "build/icons" } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27...
Vue.js aims to assist development, thus it indicates that <google-pay-button> is an undeclared component, confirming if you intended to use it this way. Such specially named elements can be put into an exception list. I will demonstrate how to do this using Vite. import { defineConfig }...
1. 在原先已有的Vue项目里面,打开终端执行vue add electron-builder ; 2. 选择合适的版本安装好这个插件,执行npm run electron:serve ; 3. 如果页面没有什么错误,就会弹出一个vue的应用窗口,说明准备工作已经完成; 4. 如果需要修改桌面应用界面或窗口之类的一些配置,则需要在package.json文件最后加上“build”键并...
if you need to lock dragging to an axis, or want to animate the nodes as they're being sorted. Vue Slicksort aims to provide a simple set of component mixins to fill those gaps. If you're looking for a dead-simple, mobile-friendly way to add sortable functionality to your lists, the...
2.2.8 优化defaultCheckedKeys和defaultTransfer配合使用时,触发了添加事件的问题,通常默认第一次穿梭是后台偷懒没有生成fromData和toData 两份数据,需要前端拆分,此时再触发添加事件则务必要;另可不使用defaultTransfer而是在defaultCheckedKeys改变后手动调用addToAims(false)函数,参数传false则不会触发emit回调 ...
2.2.8 优化defaultCheckedKeys和defaultTransfer配合使用时,触发了添加事件的问题,通常默认第一次穿梭是后台偷懒没有生成fromData和toData 两份数据,需要前端拆分,此时再触发添加事件则务必要;另可不使用defaultTransfer而是在defaultCheckedKeys改变后手动调用addToAims(false)函数,参数传false则不会触发emit回调 ...
It aims to deliver a collection of reusable components and a series of UI Elements to build applications with support to all modern Web Browsers through Vue 2. Build powerful and well-designed web apps that can fit on every screen. You can generate and use themes dynamically, use components ...
user experience.2. Community Collaboration: Vue Shop Vite encourages community collaboration and contribution. Users are invited to submit code, provide feedback, and share their experiences to help shape the future of the platform. By fostering an open and inclusive community, Vue Shop Vite aims ...
Vue_ThreeModelViewer 是一款功能强大的模型查看器项目,致力于提供一套简单方便、无限可能的原生 ThreeJs 在 Vue 项目中的封装与实现。技术栈以 threejs 和 Vue2.6 为主,对于模型预览的可视化控件、工具后期会逐步增加和完善。 Vue_ThreeModelViewer is a powerful model viewer project that aims to provide a set...
Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control. It aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle and leaves more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Vi...