yarn add vue-advanced-cropper@vue-2 If you would like to use a CDN, please read the correspondingdocumentation section Usage importVuefrom'vue'import{ Cropper }from'vue-advanced-cropper'import'vue-advanced-cropper/dist/style.css';newVue({el:'#app',data: {img:'https://images.pexels.com/ph...
npm install --save vue-advanced-cropper@vue-2 yarn add vue-advanced-cropper@vue-2 If you would like to use a CDN, please read the correspondingdocumentation section Usage importVuefrom'vue'import{Cropper}from'vue-advanced-cropper'import'vue-advanced-cropper/dist/style.css';newVue({el:'#app...
Vue Advanced Cropper is the advanced library that gives you opportunity to create your own croppers suited for any website design. It means that you are able to change not only the cropper appearance, you area able to customize its behavior also. Features: full mobile / desktop support supp...
Vue Advanced Cropper is the advanced library that gives you opportunity to create your own croppers suited for any website design. It means that you are able to change not only the cropper appearance, you area able to customize its behavior also. Features: full mobile / desktop support su...
<Preview class="cropper-preview" :image="result.image" :coordinates="result.coordinates"/> <template #footer> <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">取消</el-button> <DlButton label="确定" @click="crop"></DlButton> </template> </el-dialog> ...
vue-advanced-cropper和腾讯云对象存储封装的头像上传组件, 取消 { avatarUrl.value = defaultAvatarUrl.value }) return { avatarUrl } }, data: function () { return { dialogVisible: false, // 对话框显示
安装第三方库:你可以使用一些流行的第三方库,如vue-cropperjs或vue-advanced-cropper。通过npm或yarn安装所需的库。 引入库并注册:在你的Vue组件中,引入所选库并将其注册为Vue插件或组件。 在模板中使用:在需要进行剪裁的图片元素上,使用所选库的组件或指令来实现剪裁功能。通常,你需要提供一个容器元素来显示剪裁...
Vue Advanced Cropper Image Cropping Component Visit Site Get automated alerts for issues in your Vue apps and find the root cause faster!➡️ Try Sentry for Vue Related Projects #UI Components#Vuetify#Datatables Created with Sketch.35.230 ...
Advanced version 🌐 <instagram-cropper ref="cropper" class="w-100 h-100" :src="cropper" :quality="4" :placeholder-font-size="14" placeholder-color="#000000" placeholder="Choose or Drag'n'Drop an image" > <spinnerv-if="loading"/> ...
vue-slim-cropper - 💇 A simple and elegant mobile image crop upload component for Vue 2.x. vue-advanced-cropper - An advanced cropper that gives you opportunity to create almost any cropper that you desire vue-anka-cropper - image cropper and uploader, rectangular and circular crop, customiz...