npm install --save vue-advanced-cropper@vue-2 yarn add vue-advanced-cropper@vue-2 If you would like to use a CDN, please read the correspondingdocumentation section Usage importVuefrom'vue'import{ Cropper }from'vue-advanced-cropper'import'vue-advanced-cropper/dist/style.css';newVue({el:'#a...
npm install --save vue-advanced-cropper@vue-2 yarn add vue-advanced-cropper@vue-2 If you would like to use a CDN, please read the correspondingdocumentation section Usage importVuefrom'vue'import{Cropper}from'vue-advanced-cropper'import'vue-advanced-cropper/dist/style.css';newVue({el:'#app...
data: function () { return { dialogVisible: false, // 对话框显示 img: '', // 头像地址 change: { coordinates: {}, // on-change的坐标 image: null // on-change预览图 }, result: { // 确定的裁剪图 coordinates: {}, image: null }, imageFile: null, // 原始文件 avatarFile: { /...
<Cropper ref="cropper" stencil-component="circle-stencil" class="cropper" :src="img" :debounce="false" @change="onChange"/> <!-- 预览图 --> <Preview class="cropper-preview" :image="result.image" :coordinates="result.coordinates"/> <template #footer> <el-button @click="dialogVisible ...
Vue Advanced Cropper is the advanced library that gives you opportunity to create your own croppers suited for any website design. It means that you are able to change not only the cropper appearance, you area able to customize its behavior also. Features: full mobile / desktop support su...
Vue Advanced Cropper is the advanced library that gives you opportunity to create your own croppers suited for any website design. It means that you are able to change not only the cropper appearance, you area able to customize its behavior also. Features: full mobile / desktop support supp...
要在Vue中实现图像裁剪,可以使用一些第三方库,例如cropperjs和vue-cropper。1、选择合适的裁剪工具库,2、安装并配置库,3、实现裁剪功能。以下是详细步骤和解释。 一、选择合适的裁剪工具库 在Vue项目中实现图像裁剪,有几种常见的工具库可供选择: cropperjs:这是一个
Vue-advanced-cropper:一个Vue专用的图片裁剪插件,功能丰富,易于使用。 Vue-video-player:基于Video.js的Vue视频播放器,支持自定义控件和插件扩展。 二、安装和配置这些库 在选择好适用的库或插件后,下一步是安装和配置它们。以下是一些常见的安装步骤:
vue-croppie - 另一个图像裁剪器vue-slim-cropper - 一个简单优雅的 Vue 2.x 移动端图片裁剪上传组件。vue-advanced-cropper - 一种高级裁剪器,让您有机会创建几乎任何您想要的裁剪器vue-anka-cropper - 图像裁剪器和上传器,矩形和圆形裁剪,可定制的 cssvue-picture-cut -图片裁剪:缩放、翻转、旋转、边缘...
npm install vue-cropperjs 在合适的组件中,引入裁切库及其样式文件: import VueCropper from 'vue-cropperjs'; import 'cropperjs/dist/cropper.css'; 注册组件: export default { components: { VueCropper }, // 其他组件配置... }; 二、准备HTML结构和CSS样式 ...