Free and Beautiful Vue 3 Admin Template. Contribute to Keymasterkid/admin development by creating an account on GitHub.
Free and Beautiful Vue 3 Admin Template. Contribute to flytonbo/vuestic-admin development by creating an account on GitHub.
Materio Vue 3 Admin - Pro Vuetify Vuejs 3 Admin Template $69 5.00/51110 Live Preview Unleash the full potential ofMaterio – Vuetify Vuejs 3 Admin Templateby upgrading to PRO. Get more features compared to the free version. Info:All prices include taxes & Fees. Still have any doubt? read...
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</template> export default { name: 'App', components: { }, setup(){ } } 看到这里大家应该会发现,Vite中的路由配置以及 main.js 引入的方式较Vue 2有所不同,为了让其更好的支持Typescript,Vue Router的Vue 3版本要求我们必须导入新方法才能使代码正常工作,其中最重要的是createRouter 和 createWebHis...
简介: vue3版本的爱心源码 <template> {{text}} <ButtonGroup style="left: 4px;top: 4px"> <Button @click="drawerValue = true" icon="ios-color-palette-outline" ></Button> </ButtonGroup>
Vue 3 Component <template> <hot-table:data="data":row-headers=true:col-headers=true:navigable-headers=true:tab-navigation=true:multi-column-sorting=trueheader-class-name="htLeft"license-key="non-commercial-and-evaluation"> <hot-columntitle="Company"data="company"width=100></hot-column> ...
Sneat Free Vuetify Vuejs 3 Laravel 10 Admin Templateis a highly customizable and versatile administrative dashboard designed for developers and businesses. Built with the latestVue.js 3,Vuetify 3, andLaravel 10, this admin template offers a modern, clean, and professional design that is both res...
Xtreme Vue Admin Lite - Free Template. ✨Vue Material Dashboard Vue Material Dashboard 2 is a new Admin Template based on Vue3 & Bootstrap5. If you’re a developer looking to create an admin dashboard that is developer-friendly, rich with features, and highly customizable, here is your...
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