Vue 3 Migration Build: safely upgrade your app to Vue 3 (Pt. 1) Andy Li 14 July 2021 The Vue team has recently released the highly anticipated migration build for Vue 3. If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your Vue 2 app to Vue 3, this is what you need.The...
If you’re not familiar with the migration build, please check out theVue 3 Migration Buildarticle, that’s the prerequisite for this article. If you don’t have an app to migrate, you can still use this article to learn about what haschangedin Vue 3. But keep in mind that we are o...
Recently, I'm working on a tool named vue23 that aims to migrate vue2 project to vue3 automatically. Currently, it supports wrap variables hosted in data with reactive method and rename vue2 lifecycle hooks. Next it will support computed...
Vue3 支持了多根节点组件,也就是fragment。 Vue2中,编写页面的时候,我们需要去将组件包裹在中,否则报错警告。 <template> ... ... ... </template> Vue3,我们可以组件包含多个根节点,可以少写一层,niceeee ! <template> ... ... ... </template> 异步组件 Vue3 提供Suspense组件,允许程序在等待异...
Migration strategy We can achieve a complete migration within six steps: Install Vue's Migration Build; Fix the Migration Build's Errors; Fix the Migration Build's Warnings; Fix package compatibilities; Fix TypeScript support; Fully Switch to Vue 3. 1. Install Vue's Migration Build As...
2021.06:发布 Vue 3.1 版本,提供 Migration Build,使用可以兼容 Vue 2 的用法让用户更方便的升级; 2021.08:发布 Vue 3.2 版本,引入了。 2022.01:Vue 3 正式切换为默认版本,此时 Vue 3 框架范畴内的工具都准备完毕; 2022.02:发布全新的 Vue 3 文档; Vue 3.0 重构初期... 用于迁移的构建版本 @vue/compat (即“迁移构建版本”) 是一个 Vue 3 的构建版本,提供了可配置的兼容 Vue 2 的行为。 使用在 Vue 3 中发生改变或被废弃的特性时会抛出运行时警告。一个特性的兼容性也可以基
Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful Vue 3 Migration The process was split into multiple steps, allowing the team to progress quickly. The list of the migration steps included: Codebase audit: Estimating the complexity of the product and planning; Vue 3 compat build: This mode helps us get ...
Vue3 migration build 近期另一个重大发布,整体的内容比较大,预计在 3.1 发布。 Vue3 升级版:底子里是 Vue3,上层兼容 Vue2 的行为。大部分的功能都可以完全支持。 可以选择将整个应用可以跑在 Vue2 模式下,再将某几个单独的组件跑在 Vue3 模式下。
We currently have a big project running Vue 2 and Antd Vue 1.7.6 and would like to upgrade to Vue 3. Vue 3 provides migration build (@vue/compat) that helps migrating to new codebase. We were able to start the project under compatibility build with warnings to be fixed as expected, ...