Vue3 将computed也包装成了一个方法,我们看看computed的源码: function computed(getterOrOptions) { let getter let setter // 判断getterOrOptions是否为函数 if (shared.isFunction(getterOrOptions)) { // 如果是函数,就作为getter,这种情况下只能获取值,更改值则会弹出警告 getter = getterOrOptions setter = ...
functioninitMethods(vm,methods){constprops=vm.$options.propsfor(constkeyinmethods){if(process.env.NODE_ENV!=='production'){if(methods[key]==null){warn(`Method "${key}" has an undefined value in the component definition. `+`Did you reference the function correctly?`,vm)}//methods中某个...
if (el.slotTarget && !el.slotScope) { data += `slot:${el.slotTarget},`} 此时父组件将生成以下代码:with(this) { return _c('div', [ _c('slot-demo'), { attrs: { slot: 'default' }, slot: 'default' }, [ _v('this is slot custom content.') ] ])}...
* Returns true if a slot has no content * @param {Function | Object} slot a Vue 3 slot function or a Vue 2 slot object * @returns {Boolean} */exportconstisEmpty=slot=>{if(!slot)returntrue// if we get a slot that is not a function, we're in vue 2 and there is content, so...
type.__scopeId // vnode's own scopeId and the current patched component's scopeId is // different - this is a slot content node. if (treeOwnerId && treeOwnerId !== scopeId) { hostSetScopeId(el, treeOwnerId + '-s') } if (vnode === parentComponent.subTree) { setScopeId( el, ...
The contents of this slot will be used as the drag image instead of the browser default. Since the spec likes to be annoying, this content has to be visible in order for it to show up as the drag image, so it's rendered off-screen for you usingposition: fixed. If you need this ...
splice(key, 1, val) return val } // 3.如果是对象本身的属性,则直接添加即可 if (key in target && !(key in Object.prototype)) { target[key] = val // 直接修改属性值 return val } // 4.如果是Vue实例 或 根数据data时 报错,(更新_data 无意义) const ob = (target: any).__ob__ ...
在定义modal-dialog组件的template时,我们使用了3个slot,它们的name特性分别是header、body和footer。 在<modal-dialog>标签下,分别为三个元素指定slot特性: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <modal-dialog v-bind:show.sync="show">提示信息你想在对话框中放什么内容都可以!你可以放一段文字,也可以放一些表单,或者是一些...
(Example 3)Content between the start- and end-tag of the <slot> element will be used as fallback content if no content is provided by the parent. (Example 5)Information can be provided up to the parent element through <slot> props. (Example 8)...
1.First, import and register the Tab component and its child directives in thescriptsection of thesrc/App.vuefile. If you are using theComposition API, you should add thesetupattribute to thescripttag to indicate that Vue will be using theComposition API. ...