Finally, we come to the place where we handle the other drag/drop events that happen on the body, preventing the default behavior during the drag and drop (namely that it’ll open one of the files in the browser. We create a function that simply callspreventDefaulton the event object. Th...
在src/components目录下创建一个名为DragAndDropUpload.vue的组件文件。接下来,我们将实现拖拽上传的逻辑。 <template> 将图片拖放到此处,或点击选择文件 {{ }} 选择文件
Vue3 Library Component for drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews. 🚀 Features No dependencies Drag and drop file uploads Custom accepted file types XHR custom: Header, url, method and form data. Parallel upload with different request Multiple upload files in a single request Chunking ...
Vue File Upload Component is used to upload one or multiple files, images and documents to a server with a progress bar, drag and drop, and more features.
.catch(e=>{console.error('上传文件失败:')console.error(e)ElMessage.error('上传文件失败:'+ fileName +", error="+ error.message) }) } 代码:<template> <template><el-uploadv-model:file-list="addFileFormDto.files":multiple="false":limit="1":drag="true":auto-upload="false"><template...
3,537 vue-file-agent High performant Vue file upload component with elegant and distinguishable previews for every file type and support for drag and drop, validations, default uploader with progress support and externally customizable in the "vue way" ...
Drag and Drop Autocomplete Type Select Color Picker Switch Masked Input Rich Text Editing Image Manipulation File Upload Context Menu Miscellaneous Wizard Canvas Link Preview Tour UI Utilities Event Handling Responsive Design Form Validation Resize Scroll Routing Lazy Load Pagination Animation Meta Tags ...
这里是封装一下:在components创建文件夹jc-upload>jc-upload.vue 在封装的过程中遇到了一个问题就是draggable和el-upload上传按钮独占一行,显然不是我们需要的效果,先看问题 百度了一下,没有找到什么解决办法,这里通过一行css解决以上问题,如有大佬有更好的方案可以分享一下 ...
drop 当文件被拖入上传区域时执行的回调功能 (event: DragEvent) => void - 3.0 preview 点击文件链接或预览图标时的回调 function(file) - reject 拖拽文件不符合 accept 类型时的回调 function(fileList) - remove 点击移除文件时的回调,返回值为 false 时不移除。支持返回一个 Promise 对象,Promise 对象 re...
noClickBooleanIftrue, disables click to open the native file selection dialog noKeyboardBooleanIftrue, disables SPACE/ENTER to open the native file selection dialog. Note that it also stops tracking the focus state. noDragBooleanIftrue, disables drag 'n' drop ...