Many VTech wireless phones have a feature, such as blinking lights, that alerts users of a voicemail message. Retrieving your messages can be done using a voicemail shortcut or your home phone number. Voicemail Shortcut Step 1 Dial "*98" from your VTech phone. Wait for your voice mailbox...
VTech has also announced its wf6972 Wi-Fi phone which, instead of grabbing Internet information from a Ethernet-connected base station, pulls it out of the air from a nearby PC via 802.11 wireless technology. The handsets sport a color LCD screen for data display, offer caller ID and a sp...
Pretend voicemail, music and phone buttons light up and a holographic image of a puppy and kitty stimulate imaginations. Small-sized pretend phone is perfect for little hands. Large number and color buttons engage toddlers as they dial and learn. Includes two sing-along songs and eight melodies...
The VTech phone system with call waiting features a full-duplex handset with speakerphone and a voicemail indicator light for extra convenience. VTech CS6719 cordlss Phone System with Call Waiting, Caller ID -...
To reset the time and date on a Vtech IS8129-5 phone, you'll need to access the main menu. From the ... Vtech IS8129-5 Answers Vtech Reviews Do you have an experience with Vtech that you would like to share? Earn750 pointsfor your review!
Check Voicemail The phone displays a New Message alert on the LCD screen when there is a voicemail in the system. 1.On the New Message screen, press View. 2.Using the arrow keys, select Mailbox. 3.Enter your password when prompted. The default password is 0000#. 4.If this is your ...