VTC2019-Fall General Co-Chairs Welcome doi:10.1109/VTCFall.2019.8891381Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings. May include the conference officers' congratulations to all involved with the conference event and publication of the proceedings record.会议论文...
VTC2019-Fall in Honolulu, Hawaii will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invited to submit 5-page, original, and unpublished full papers: Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design Signal...
2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)已截止报名 推荐参加:GOPS 全球运维大会 2025 · 北京站 暨研运数智化技术峰会 会议时间: 2019-09-22 09:00至 2019-09-23 18:00结束 会议地点:夏威夷州详细地址会前通知 None周边酒店预订 ...
VTC2019-Fall签证问题 请教下各位,至今Program还没出来,有点担心影响签证。 有没有同去夏威夷的,求交流