IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)是一个经典的通信会议,每年召开两次。最近VTC2023-Fall的论文上线了IEEE Xplore,从中整理了卫星通信相关的论文,包括16篇论文,希望对相关领域的小伙伴有所帮助。获…
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)是一个经典的通信会议,每年召开两次。最近VTC2023-Fall的论文上线了IEEE Xplore,从中整理了提供开源代码的论文,包括10篇论文,希望对相关领域的小伙伴有所帮助。获…
VTC2023-Fall in Hong Kong will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invited to submit 5-page, original, and unpublished full papers. A full paper can be up to 7 pages in length, just...
针对VTC2023Fall 2023中卫星通信相关的论文推荐,以下是一些值得关注的论文及其简要介绍:1. 《集成星地网络的高吞吐量协作通信方案》 主要内容:该论文提出了一种综合策略,旨在解决链路性能和系统可靠性问题,从而显著改善星地通信的效率。2. 《基于3D波束成形的卫星物联网初始接入设计》 主要内容:论文...
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)每年两次的重要会议中,最近的VTC2023-Fall论文集已上线IEEE Xplore,特别关注卫星通信领域的研究。这里有16篇论文,涵盖了高效星地通信、初始接入设计、视频传输优化、信息年龄最小化、能效提升、服务功能链管理、干扰参数估计、数据下载调度以及卫星网络的可靠性等多...
2025-05-15 会议日期: 2025-10-19 会议地点: Chengdu, China 届数: 102 CORE:bQUALIS:a1浏览:80280关注:66参加:17 征稿 VTC2025-Fall in Chengdu will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invi...
Mustafa Selman and Ajith, Devika and Steinhorst, Sebastian}, booktitle={2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall)}, title={5GTQ: QoS-Aware 5G-TSN Simulation Framework}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-7}, doi={10.1109/VTC2023-Fall60731.2023.10333533}} ...
课题组最新成果Self-Interference Assisted Cooperative Jamming for Secure Communications 被国际会议IEEE VTC Fall 2023接收! 登录用户可以查看和发表评论, 请前往 登录 或注册。 学者网 免责声明 | 关于我们 | 联系我们 联系我们: ...
The 2026 IEEE 104th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2026-Fall will be held in Boston, MA, USA Fall 2026. This semi-annual flagship conference of IEEE V. VTC2026-Fall is held in Boston MA, United States, 2026/9 in Boston MA.
International Conference on Health, Science and Technology Articles / News / Press releases Comparative Speed Control Study Using PID And fuzzy Logic Controller Work study engineering Mechatronics The benefits of attending an Industrial conference or trade show ...