根据Santa Clara Co.地检处,卡西迪射杀八名同事后,开枪自杀身亡。 (Santa Clara Valley交通局服务管理监督阿玛德 (Abrar Ahmad) 19日表示,在这一场黑暗残暴凶杀事件中,交通局员工紧急沟通,同心协力处理紧急危机,对此他深以为傲。
Santa Clara Co.警长办公室表示,一名San Jose男子因涉嫌在Santa Clara Valley交通局(VTA)的视讯会议上,做出枪支威胁而遭到逮捕。 枪支威胁事件在VTA大规模枪击案的6个多月后便再次发生。(本报档案照) 警长办公室的官员表示,嫌犯是一名69岁的男子,名叫莱布伦(Roland Lebrun)。他曾在9日VTA的一次公共咨询会议上,...
【VTA计划7月底前恢复轻轨服务】圣克拉拉谷地交通管理局(Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority)计划在7月底之前恢复轻轨服务。这个时间距VTA大规模枪击事件大约相隔了2个月,当时VTA一名员工枪杀了其9名同事,并在警方靠近时开枪自杀。O网页链接 ...
VTA工会工人或举行罢工 在拒绝新劳动合同的最终提议后,Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority工会工人可能会举行罢工。 乘客Monique Dear认为,如果VTA巴士司机和轻轨司机决定罢工,她的生活将会脱轨。她每天乘坐公共交通工具从San Jose到Santa Clara。 「我必须在早上7点30分工作,我没有车,」Dea说,「我从未有过车...
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is currently planning Phase 2 of the extension of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system into Silicon Valley, through downtown San Jose, California. A single bore tunnel configuration has been selected to allow two tracks and a center platform...
2021年5月26日早上,旧金山南湾Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) 的Guadalupe车辆段一名VTA员工射杀9名同事后自尽,为湾区史上最严重的枪击案件,此后VTA轻轨一直停运至今。8月29日,VTA轻轨恢复部分区段运营:橙线全线及绿线Civic Center以北路段。视频中为枪击事件后首班恢复载客运营的列车,由事发的...
Race is a light rail station operated by Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). The station consists of a single platform with a single trackway. Trains from both directions arrive on the same track. Race is served by the Mountain View-Winchester light rail line. Race station was...
Ohlone/Chynoweth is a light rail station operated by Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). This station is served by VTA's Alum Rock-Santa Teresa and serves as the terminus of the little-used, stub Ohlone/Chynoweth - Almaden line, popularly known as the Almaden Shuttle. It was ...
大家准备好,南湾开始实施新公交和轻轨服务计画。并且在2019年最后四天,你乘车不需要买车票,你只需要感谢Valley Transportation Authority。 VTA提供从周六到元旦凌晨所有巴士和轻轨免费乘车服务,乘客无需使用Clipper或购买车票。这项优惠将持续到1月1日凌晨,届时VTA假日服务将在凌晨2点左右结束。通宵运营的22号线将提供免...
HNTB, alongside joint venture partner WSP, is providing program management services for the BART Silicon Valley Extension which will provide BART service to Santa Clara County for the first time. Phase II of the multi-billion-dollar program will consist of a 6-mile extension through downtown San...